Viking Spawn
Super Freak
$15 Dollars Off - Coupon Code: JUNE17 (valid for 48h)
Sweet! Thanks for the head's up!

$15 Dollars Off - Coupon Code: JUNE17 (valid for 48h)
Do you guys think they will alter the sculpt at all?
I just realized one thing. HT should really give us a soft helmet thingy to be used with the Chris Evans sculpt cause whenever he is not wearing his mask, it hangs at the back of his head like a hood.
I believe their assumption is that since they are doing the unmasked head "angry" as to convey it's him in the final battle, his mask has been ripped off and therefore it's not hanging off like it does in casual mode, it's just gone entirely.
You could always get the hs from the uso version if it turns out good
I think the head sculpt will be fairly neutral, it'll be planned that way to add to the sales as people will want it for the Avengers and TFA figures as a change to the more 'scene specific' Avengers sculpt.
But that could of changed from that pic could it not?