Super Freak
Great pics man. Really liking that last group shot
Everybody keeps saying Avengers Thor is so much better than V1 Thor...
and while I absolutely agree from a visual stand-point...
What I want to know; is he a better figure? Does he have better articulation in the waist? Is his hammer still too heavy for the arm? There are a number of areas that V1 needed approving upon, besides aesthetic.
My V1 has a very loose right arm, and its definately due to the weight of the hammer over time. I'm worried this figure will be more of the same, albiet with a more "Hemsworthy" look.
My Thor and some group shots.
If I owned the original Thor version I would probably be as skeptical and as critical as u. It's a normal psychological reaction to rationalize and defend your investment in the older figure by trying to find issues with the new one. I wouldn't want to drop 200 on another thor either if I owned the first one. Ironically, the same thing will happen to me when hot toys releases the Thor 2 or avengers 2 versions and they are better then this one. Its only normal too feel this way. If i buy the new figure then i will post feedback in the thread.
Quite frankly, this version makes the first version look like child's play; anyone who is not blind can see this. However, not everyone who owns the first version will feel its worth an upgrade. If that's how u feel fine not necessary to post negative/speculative bs in this one.
Nobody can give u feedback on durability yet as its only been out a few weeks
Excuse me?
Maybe...but based primarily quality control...not AESTHETIC (which I addressed First and Foremost).
Critical? Nah
All that ganja getting you a bit paranoid and cranky dude?
Quit jumping to conclusions and trying to spin my words. You're giving functional smokers like myself a bad name.
As I stated in my FIRST post, I 100% already agree from a aesthetic and stature stand point this Thor is a big step forward. Further more I wasn't trying to rationalize, or defend my original purpose at all. Since Thor is one of my favorite super-heroes, I have no problem in adding a Third Thor to my collection, along with V1 and my comic accurate WIP. You insinuating so was just another indication of my post flying right over your head.
I also wasn't trying to post any speculative "BS". Since this figure has been in some people's hands for over a month now, I was looking for some feedback from THOSE people, ya know, the people with actual perspective, because the problems with V1 were apparent to any collector worth there salt, well within a week.
Hell, immediately upon removing V1 Thor from the package, I could tell that the Hammer was too heavy, the shoulder too weak, to stand the test of time. I understand how since you don't even own the original, and therefore do not have any experience or perspective on the subject, you could misinterpret all this. If there is one us that has shown blatant biased, it is certainly not me, considering I already own a Thor, and am not the one throwing stones at either version. However, I find it funny that you felt the need to put your two cents in, while not owning the first figure, nor being sure about owning the second?? hmmmm
Excuse me?
Maybe...but based primarily quality control...not AESTHETIC (which I addressed First and Foremost).
Critical? Nah
All that ganja getting you a bit paranoid and cranky dude?
Quit jumping to conclusions and trying to spin my words. You're giving functional smokers like myself a bad name.
As I stated in my FIRST post, I 100% already agree from a aesthetic and stature stand point this Thor is a big step forward. Further more I wasn't trying to rationalize, or defend my original purpose at all. Since Thor is one of my favorite super-heroes, I have no problem in adding a Third Thor to my collection, along with V1 and my comic accurate WIP. You insinuating so was just another indication of my post flying right over your head.
I also wasn't trying to post any speculative "BS". Since this figure has been in some people's hands for over a month now, I was looking for some feedback from THOSE people, ya know, the people with actual perspective, because the problems with V1 were apparent to any collector worth there salt, well within a week.
Hell, immediately upon removing V1 Thor from the package, I could tell that the Hammer was too heavy, the shoulder too weak, to stand the test of time. I understand how since you don't even own the original, and therefore do not have any experience or perspective on the subject, you could misinterpret all this. If there is one us that has shown blatant biased, it is certainly not me, considering I already own a Thor, and am not the one throwing stones at either version. However, I find it funny that you felt the need to put your two cents in, while not owning the first figure, nor being sure about owning the second?? hmmmm
Easy tiger. I wasnt trying to insult you. You asked a stupid speculative question about durability that nobody could answer. What was the point of your post??
All of the feedback by people who actually own the figure has been good. I guess u wanted to rain on their parade.
Oh yeah. That's what I was here for, to bring the rain.
Can you not read?
I just explained that on V1 the potential problems, or rather EVENTUAL problems, were apparent within just a couple minutes with the figure.
I like this figure, I'm actually picking up Black Widow tomorrow, and hoping this guy is in stock also. I just had some questions because I KNOW the problems the first figure had, but there you are again, trying to insinuate something else.
I am not insulating anything. U were speculating using issues from an old an outdated product that has nothing to do with this one until the issues are reported by people that own it. Relax. I must have hit a nerve!!
Whatever dude let's move on. I missed your point and you failed to comprehend mine. Lets Get the thread back to more constructive post about the figure itself.
I didn't fail to comprehend ***. Based on your words, and what you tried to insinuate about my own, the only one here lacking in comprehension skills is you.
or are you so quick to forget accusing me of raining on everyone's parade, posting a bs comment, or trying to "defend" my purchase?
As it seems to me, out of the two of us, I'm the only one taking stock in the actual words, instead of trying to infer the meaning, and completely ignoring what doesn't fit my smart-a$$ agenda.
IiYou're right though, we should get back to the figure at hand, as that is what my original question was directed towards. I wasn't even planning to stay up this late, I was checking back in on the thread hoping to read about anything I might want to expect. But when I saw that my question was being taken out of context, I had to squash that *****.
Carry on fellas. The pictures are great. It would have been nice to hear a response from someone that is able to take pictures, instead of someone that doesn't even have a Thor at all.
I didn't fail to comprehend ****. Based on your words (the symbols we use for communication through text), and what you tried to insinuate about my own, the only one here lacking in comprehension skills is you.
or are you so quick to forget accusing me of raining on everyone's parade, posting a bs comment, or trying to "defend" my purchase?
As it seems to me, out of the two of us, I'm the only one taking stock in the actual words, instead of trying to infer the meaning, and completely ignoring what doesn't fit my smart-a$$ agenda.
You're right though, we should get back to the figure at hand, as that is what my original question was directed towards. I wasn't even planning to stay up this late, I was checking back in on the thread hoping to read about anything I might want to expect. But when I saw that my question was being taken out of context, I had to squash that *****.
Carry on fellas. The pictures are great. It would have been nice to read a response from someone that actually has this in hand, instead of someone that doesn't even have a Thor at all.