So, why is Thor $10 more than Nick Fury and Hawkeye?
Extra royalties to DiCaprio?
So, why is Thor $10 more than Nick Fury and Hawkeye?
i hope they include Thor helmet or another set of Face for that price
to me what defines these characters as MOVIE VERSION Avengers are the actors playing the parts, and if it looks nothing like the actor then I just don't know that there's any point, especially for $1000+ or whatever for a full set (and again I'm just talking the big four.)
Kinda dissapointing.
What's the point of improving the figure over all (and it is)
but screw the pooch on the sculpt?
HT needs to step it up on likenesses if they insist on steping up the prices. The hair line and the Decaprio brows really kill the sculpt.
Maybe a few loose parts but that's it.
So, why is Thor $10 more than Nick Fury and Hawkeye? Based on what's included, isn't it painfully obvious that Thor should be at least $10 less?
The helmet wasn't in the movie they WONT include it
Expect each and ever new figure from Hot Toys to go up in price. That's their MO.
Unfortunately second issues/remakes of figures doesn't guarantee that the sculpt will be better. Their old Predator 2 head sculpt was far superior to the new one.
Hell with it, ordered. I like the fixes to the body and armor too much to pass.