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What do you guys think of Jamie Foxx as Electro? What do you guys think of Electro as the villain? :dunno

(I know, it's probably the wrong thread to ask in, but what the hell).

While I do think Electro deserves a place in the films, I feel the same way about this cast against type as I did about the Catwoman-in-name-only film.

They are not only changing Electro's racial makeup, but his origin and literally everything about the character.

That's not really Electro, just a new character they slapped the same name on. Fail.

someone else: BUT, after some more thought, I do like him a lot as an actor and to be honest, I thought the same thing when I heard Heath Ledger was going to be The Joker. And we all know how that turned out.

The difference here is that Ledger was NOT cast against type.
I was in Hall H at SDCC for the Spidey movie panel when Andrew Garfield made his was pretty apparent how stoked he was to be playing Spiderman. If you haven't seen it, I'm sure I can find it on Youtube, it was pretty cool...

Might as well post it, here it is. This was pretty cool to see in person.

Thanks for the link mate :1-1:

My initial reaction to Jamie Foxx was the same as most - WTF?!?

BUT, after some more thought, I do like him a lot as an actor and to be honest, I thought the same thing when I heard Heath Ledger was going to be The Joker. And we all know how that turned out.

:exactly: Foxx is a brilliant actor. Love his performance in The Soloist and Ray. Not too sure about him playing a comic book villain, but he's a singer, a stand up comic, talented actor, so he'll do alright, I reckon.
Foxx is a great actor, but Ramatuelle makes a very valid point:

"They are not only changing Electro's racial makeup, but his origin and literally everything about the character."

This is something that a lot of fans might get annoyed by. If there are people complaining because Spidey's suit was not very in line with the comics then the ethnicity of Electro is sure to spark a few arguments.

Personally, It doesn't bother me. But one thing is for sure, I cannot wait until the first trailer. So excited. :impatient:
The images are amazing. It is interesting how they are clearly for the ASM because of the the Lizard design, but spidey is wearing his orifinal outfit.

I thought that too, but in a couple of shots you can see the arm look like the newer suit. So I'm guessing this was early on before they'd finalised the suit design. The torso looks like th classic design with the arms and boots of the newer suit. Actually looks really good like tht I think too. Although I do prefer the AMS spider symbol.

With regards to electro, I'm excited to see him on screen. I used to love him in th old cartoons and video games (th one where you had to collect the keys after defeating each villain) but I've never read any comics with him in. If anyone wants to recommend some good ones that'd be great. :) I'm not sure about Jamie Foxx though. I'll give him the benefit of the doubt until I see the movie but I'm nervous certainly.
Seriously, if you read Electro's 616 origin - or even the Ultimate one! - and then you read the movie origin, there are almost no two points of similarity in there. That's why I say this is not actually Electro, its a new character with his name on it.

At this point, please do not name him Max Dillon, just pick an new name and go with that. Because the movie version is in no universe, actually Max Dillon.

Its like if they took Spidey, made him Norman Osborn's adopted Chinese son who grew up most wanting to emulate the Vulture, and then branched out into a life of crime. Would that still be Spidey?.... really? 'Cause Im thinking, no. Even if they do name him Peter Parker.
I remember him in the ultimate universe. I remember reading him as kingpins henchman but don't remember an origin for him. Did that come later in the series? Do you know of any other good electro stories to read?
Russell, for the best Sinister Six experience, you dont go to the comics but you go HERE:


This author is a Spidey genius. I never cared about Electro until I read these novels, they are awesome. Everyone in this is just terrific. And Doc Ock is kicking *** and not even bothering to take a single name.... its a thing of beauty.

At one point the Six take over a weapons research facility in search of a McGuffin [which they do get]. Good God. Electro is literally vaporizing people into puffs of ash, and he laughs while he does it. It really brought home just how powerful - and how frightening - someone like that would be in real life. Every one of the Six are total bloodthirsty maniacs, you have to love it.
From Earth-616:

"-- Electro
Maxwell Dillon was born in Endicott, New York, the son of Jonathan and Anita Dillon. His father was often fired from jobs and they moved a lot. One day his father walked out on them and his mother became overprotective. When he wanted to leave home to go to college, his mother was against the idea and told him if he was interested in learning about electricity that he should work for the local electric company. His mother died when he was twenty-four while he was working at the electric company. There he became one of the best linemen. He also met and married a fellow co-worker Norma Lynn, but she left him when she realized he wasn't ambitious enough to become an engineer and he stayed a lineman.
One day another lineman got in trouble and Dillon agreed to save him, for a fee. In the process he gained super powers when he was struck by lightning while in contact with power lines still connected to their spool. The unusually configured magnetic field generated by the wound spool of cable and live, high-tension wires induced a body-wide mutagenic change to his nervous system. Dillon found himself transformed into a living electrical capacitor, powered by the micro-fine rhythmic muscle contractions that normally regulate body temperature."

Would be awesome if they went this route with Jamie Foxx. Really interesting Profile and, if Foxx played him correctly, you could really feel for the guy.
Russell, for the best Sinister Six experience, you dont go to the comics but you go HERE:

This author is a Spidey genius. I never cared about Electro until I read these novels, they are awesome. Everyone in this is just terrific. And Doc Ock is kicking *** and not even bothering to take a single name.... its a thing of beauty.

At one point the Six take over a weapons research facility in search of a McGuffin [which they do get]. Good God. Electro is literally vaporizing people into puffs of ash, and he laughs while he does it. It really brought home just how powerful - and how frightening - someone like that would be in real life. Every one of the Six are total bloodthirsty maniacs, you have to love it.

Thanks for the recommendation. Will have to check that book out. One of the reviews said that it was part 2 of a trilogy of books though. Do you need to read the others too?

Also, have you read the gauntlet? And if so would you recommend it?