Hot Toys - MMS179 - The Amazing Spider-Man: Spider-Man

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Hrrrm, I'm honestly not trying to stir anything up, but am I the only one that is finding these poses a bit tame compared to say, the pics in the Black Spidey thread (MMS165)? All of the poses with this guy are not too far from hero poses. Really so sense of dynamism or movement that I would expect of ASM (and that's not a knock on paramoremcr88's photos -- they're great). Hope by the time they roll out the ASM2 figure that they have the articulation on par with the previous Spideys.

At last someone said it ... coz ya know what I love about spiderman in the comics and films , I love how he just stands there with his arms bent at the elbows only in a boxin kinda pose ...wwwwoooowwwww amazing !!!! I mean the pictures are well shot and are awesome quality but if no one there out fears or doubts the fragile shoulders lets show it . I keep seeing posts sayin mine is fine , mine is fine , ive got two and both are fine . they will be fine if ya take it out the box and dont even try and move the upper arm , ya should've bought a statue
Those are some great poses and shots, Clipper (especially the ones with Hulk :lol). Ironic that he poses 10x more dynamically with both shoulders broken, but those pics certainly look better than the unbroken ones.
Yep, guess its the tight fitting costume holding it together well, but your pics are great Clipper!
Those pics are so much better than the boring ones with his arms at his sides, even if the shoulders are broken.
I'm frothing at the mouth to pick up a broken one
Prices are still high right now, as its new, but as more and more break, it should be a better buyers market

At this point, I don't care if they do break, just don't want to pay as much
Clip has shown it still poses well with them broken
What happened to teaching Hot Toys a lesson when they release shoddy products and not buying them? Seems everyone got off that train pretty quick.
I never thought it was a boycott, more of an "acknowledge the problem and fix it" fit
It was never a boycott hot toys thing , it was more make hot toys own up to the problem regardless of who sold it , and those who have added me on Facebook know where we're at with hot toys but there's a few guys on here I feel I don't have to fully explain anything to , but let's just say that my spidey is jetting back to hot toys head office as we speak , and if they just offer to send me a replacement one they'll be gettin another **** off tablet until they recall it and solve the problem for everyone and if they don't they'll be gettin a **** load of pissed off emails until they do , those that like there spiderman in an upright only pose good luck to you , I want action poses with shoulders intact . Is that too much to ask for £167 , coz I don't think so
What happened to teaching Hot Toys a lesson when they release shoddy products and not buying them? Seems everyone got off that train pretty quick.
I think buying second-hand, pre-broken Spideys at steep discounts actually a pretty good way to get the best of both worlds. HT's already got their coin at that time, while the buyer gets a good deal, knows what they're getting and isn't worried about breaking it.

Can't there be at least one page of this thread exempt from any negativity surrounding this figure or narky comments between members?
Acknowledging the figure has some problems and comparing the poses that one's able to achieve between broken/unbroken isn't negativity, IMO.
I think buying second-hand, pre-broken Spideys at steep discounts actually a pretty good way to get the best of both worlds. HT's already got their coin at that time, while the buyer gets a good deal, knows what they're getting and isn't worried about breaking it.
If this was the only figure in this scale available I'd be more inclined to agree with your idea of a good deal but to each their own. ;)

Acknowledging the figure has some problems and comparing the poses that one's able to achieve between broken/unbroken isn't negativity, IMO.

Acknowledging the figure has some problems and comparing the poses that one's able to achieve between broken/unbroken isn't negativity, IMO.

I understand that, and I've even sent emails to Hot Toys in response to Rics YouTube video, so I'm fully on board with acknowledging the faults

however, I think as much as can be done is being done currently and at this point I think some people just want to post their pics of a figure that they are happy with without a stream of narky responses between members and negative comments

It's only constructive feedback if it is said to the people who made it really
If this was the only figure in this scale available I'd be more inclined to agree with your idea of a good deal but to each their own. ;)
Well, 5x10's idea but I think it's an OK compromise, really. Poses Clipper was able to get do look good. Know what you mean in regards to Medicom being logically a better option but I really dislike their version (just find the suit too shiny and bunchy).

I understand that, and I've even sent emails to Hot Toys in response to Rics YouTube video, so I'm fully on board with acknowledging the faults

however, I think as much as can be done is being done currently and at this point I think some people just want to post their pics of a figure that they are happy with without a stream of narky responses between members and negative comments

It's only constructive feedback if it is said to the people who made it really
Yeah, that's true. I was really trying to post in a way that wasn't insulting to anyone that bought the fig or unnecessarily run the figure down, but I can see it might still grate a bit. I won't belabour it any more.

Hopefully the problem lies in the 1st batch being faulty only.
I have a feeling it's not something that is fixable for this figure, but hope they get it sorted out for ASM2. That costume is to me 100% comics-inspired Spidey. I hope I can get a figure of it that poses dynamically and is relatively sturdy.

Not only are the main combatants in the thread not giving up. People who don't pose their figures dynamically enough for their tastes get to be insulted as well. Now I remember why I took a break from this hobby. ****.
No-one insulted the posters, at all, so not sure where you're getting that from. The two or three posts in regards to the limited nature of the poses were directed at the figure. Not the poster or pictures themselves. For all the talk of negativity on this forum, the flipside is people with super thin skins that take any kind of pro/con discussion as an attack.