For once OnCC's pics don't look any worse than the HT proto shots!
He looks like an angry leperchaun in this pic.![]()
There's no way I would pay this much for this figure, even if I could afford it right now. Also, the X-Men movie outfits just weren't that visually interesting to me. What I would luv to see is a Beast from X-Men: First Class. I don't know if I would order any of the others characters from XFC but definitely Beast, that design (makeup and outfit) was simply awesome, maybe Azazel as well but the suit really detracted from his appearance IMO. I would also luv to have a Nightcrawler in a yellow/blue Jim Lee/X:FC type outfit, or in his original red, white and black outfit.
For once OnCC's pics don't look any worse than the HT proto shots!
You guys will be eating your words when HT starts producing the rest of the X-Men. I would have never bought Hawkeye as a stand alone figure. I only did because I intend on collecting the entire group. As most of us will agree have done. Many of you will do the same when it comes to this guy too.
I'm taking notes.![]()
Won't even need that. As soon as in hand photos show up people will be scrambling to get him. Exactly like the last one.
Not with "The Wolverine" coming soon after.
Won't even need that. As soon as in hand photos show up people will be scrambling to get him. Exactly like the last one.
I'm not so sure. It's not like he's a must have piece that you'd want unless your a wolverine or X-men fan. Especially since a lot of folk will already have either the XO or their own custom.
The general feeling around the board seems to be that these things are just starting to become too expensive and I don't think this rendition of wolverine is a must have to the general collector or the type of people like me who don't particularly collect lines but just cool looking pieces or great head sculpts.
Also Rzeznikk does make a good point about the new movie.
There's so much stuff (too much!) coming out and also and inflated prices that I think maybe people passing will become more common.
Even as a massive Wolverine fan, if I missed out it wouldn't bother me in the way it bothers me when I see how much Blade goes for now!
I'm not so sure. It's not like he's a must have piece that you'd want unless your a wolverine or X-men fan
My take is that he will look more attractive once they begin producing the other X-Men figures. We can all agree that each of the Avengers figures aren't perfect and even questionable as seperate buys. But they look fantastic as a whole group.
how dare you trivialize the X-Men
My take is that he will look more attractive once they begin producing the other X-Men figures
Absolutely right. Unfortunately 95% of their licenses don't get a whole group.
They've done 2/5 of SP with only three figures to go and despite the benefit of better individual sales when customers are assured of a whole set / team they don't look likely to bother.
Imagine how less Hawkeye would sell if there was no Cap & Hulk & BW.
I love the X-men! 10 x more than the Avengers. At least with most X fans they have been around for a long time unlike a lot of these new Avengers fans that probably have never picked up a Thor or Hawkeye comic in their life!
I'm actually pretty obsessed with this figure, seems I look at the pictures at least once a day![]()
If they weren't going to make a Hulk or Cap, they wouldn't sell even 1 Hawkeye.