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Re: MMS200 - Man of Steel: Superman Collectible Figure

Well, saying 1/4 might be a bit of a stretch, but look at the length of the two boots together. It's not like the difference is off by a millimeter, it's has to be at least a quarter inch or more. That's a lot.

My point is, why make new ones at all? They were done already, they would just have to be made in red.

I saw the Jor-el body with just the suit and I think that would have worked. I don't know why they would redo it.

With Zod, I wasn't thinking about the armor, or how and if it comes off, but he does wear the same suit as Kal and Jor-el underneath. So which body would they use? Which suit? One of them is still going to be off.

It isn't like these characters are from different movies, they're all from the same film. Shouldn't there be consistancy in size and scale?

I like my supes being taller than everyone else... he's SUPERMAN... and looking through pages its been shown that the scale is accurate.
Re: MMS200 - Man of Steel: Superman Collectible Figure

Man, that's really quite a difference in size.

Why would HT make new boots for Kal, when they could have just made the Jor-el boots in red? They could have also just used the same body and suit too.
If and when they do Zod, which pieces are they going to use for him? Jor-el's or Kal's? Either way, one is going to be out of scale with the others.

It's almost like they were going for 1/4 and then stopped midway.


There is a big difference in Jor el and superman bodies

Jor el


I actually don't like the structure for Jor el's body. I'm glad a gave Superman a different body
Re: MMS200 - Man of Steel: Superman Collectible Figure

Is it? Where has that been shown?

Just comparing Henry Cavill with Christopher Reeve shows that it's off. HC is 6'1, CR is 6'4, that's not accurate at all.
Re: MMS200 - Man of Steel: Superman Collectible Figure

Is it? Where has that been shown?

Just comparing Henry Cavill with Christopher Reeve shows that it's off. HC is 6'1, CR is 6'4, that's not accurate at all.

so then HT's screwed up reeve? HC's taller then Russel
Re: MMS200 - Man of Steel: Superman Collectible Figure

They are using a HT head as a placeholder...
I knew they'd get them in. I have an Ebay search set up and i got a message as soon as they went up.

Ill probably grab one and paint up the heat vision!! :D
Re: MMS200 - Man of Steel: Superman Collectible Figure

As much as I like the MOS head sculpt, it appears a bit too big when MOS is placed with other figures. I'm wondering if a smaller knock off head and Jor-el ankle pegs would make the figure look more in line with other figures. I guess I'll find out sometime since that is what I intend to do.
Re: MMS200 - Man of Steel: Superman Collectible Figure

Drilling the pupils, thinning out the inside of the sculpt, and adding LEDs.
Like i did on the test rescue Cap head:


If you're able to get it to work and still able to attach the head to the body through the ball joint then I'll definitely be in for one :rock
Re: MMS200 - Man of Steel: Superman Collectible Figure

If you're able to get it to work and still able to attach the head to the body through the ball joint then I'll definitely be in for one :rock

Unfortunately, the ball joint will have to be removed. It will likely be a Blu Tack attachment. Or perhaps a magnet.