Super Freak
NICE! I hope we actually get to see this at some point in any of the films, though probably not.
Reeve's packaging is great, but it's way too big. Unlike most of my HT boxes or figure boxes in general I had to put it in storage.This.
I would say in recent times, that bar the PERS feature, the DX line has somewhat lost its uniqueness. Now, regular MMS releases have equally nice or even better packaged figures (MMS 152 CR Supes is an example), and sometimes come with better stands too.
The MoS line of figures is in my opinion, also proof of this: their boxes have adopted the magnetic enclosures that used to only be found in the DX line, and have display stands which I think are much nicer than the DX stands.
And boy am I glad that none of the MoS figures receive the PERS treatment; we know how well that's turned out for Bale Bats.I'd pick a regular HS over one with PERS any day...not only do they seem more realistic, but there are no parts to break too.
Sure thingThanks a lot FSLAR. Much appreciated.
Good god, I was looking forward to the PERS on my DX12 and now that I have's such a pain, and I do think it kills the likeness a little. I really wish that they made it so that the face could come apart or something, I'm so afraid to use that spatula tool.
I bought mine from SST. It came with a faulty ankle and wanted it replaced. Just received an email from SST and they said I will receive the replacement Body and once I receive it, I need to destroy the old one.
How the hell do you destroy an awesome and expensive figure just because of an ankle? Do you guys do this normally?
This same exact discussion is going on over in the BRJ 2.0 thread. I have yet to buy from Sideshow, but apparently they want you to destroy the damaged body so you can't resell it.
That is crazy. I would use it for parts.
Thinking of the same thing. But how "destroyed" does SST want it to be? Kryptonite, maybe? :-0
BTW YankeesFanboy, thanks for telling me about the BRJ 2.0 thread.
Since i put on the cape, i have my MOS standing in the middle of my Superman shelf. I love flying poses, but he looks great standing there too.
Is that Reeve figure the original head or is it the evil Superman head on a first release Reeve body?
Thanks lol. Thats a Tony Mei custom wire cape and i highly recommend it!So awesome! Scruffy Superman and pose-able cape! I'm envious of the cape! How did you do this?
yea this is def one of those figures which is great outta the box bt for those who do not like to alter their figures in any way it by all means warrants buying an extra to make it way better lol. its like having one for collecting and one just for u. im sure u get wut i mean!!!Damn, the custom capes look so much better.