Hot Toys MMS243 - 1/6th scale Captain America & Steve Rogers

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Can someone explain how this ebay seller is selling Winter Soldier figures that aren't due until next year?

His auction says, item will ship within 30 days of auction's end but then right after that it says figure is due January 2015. So what's the point? Either everyone is going to request a refund or he's trying to rip people off. You'd really have to be a moron to buy a figure from someone on ebay 10 months in advance.
The photos look like the head and neck are one piece on both scans correct? Kinda like the Mark VII Tony head sculpt.

They're photoshopped, as evident from this pic;

I'd rather they didn't photoshop it as it shows that even HT think it's ugly, in which case why do it? I preferred it when the cut went up to the hairline
I think we'll see this around may/april next year ... I can wait, I POd too many figures lately I wouldn't want them all to be out there at the same time :lol

:exactly: I agree. My pre-order list just keeps growing!! :gah: Just added this set to the list as well!!
Like many others, I really only wanted the Steve Rogers head to put on the Stealth body. But I had $60 in Sideshow rewards, so I pulled the trigger on this one. I am just going to use parts of the civilian body for a Wolverine custom.
Can someone explain how this ebay seller is selling Winter Soldier figures that aren't due until next year?

His auction says, item will ship within 30 days of auction's end but then right after that it says figure is due January 2015. So what's the point? Either everyone is going to request a refund or he's trying to rip people off. You'd really have to be a moron to buy a figure from someone on ebay 10 months in advance.

Basically you can't list a eBay item that's I think more than 6 monthes pre-order. I always got my ps4 taken down.
They're photoshopped, as evident from this pic;

I'd rather they didn't photoshop it as it shows that even HT think it's ugly, in which case why do it? I preferred it when the cut went up to the hairline
I think I saw a pic on Facebook where the uniform (armpit area) on the Golden Age Cap was photoshopped a bit, to look less puffy. I don't think I'm a fan of photoshopped promo pics for HT figures, where they go as far as editing what the actual figure itself really looks like.
The evolution of the suit from FA to Strike to AoU looks awesome on display, as that's what I plan on doing. However, debating about getting the Avengers Cap since that may be nice to add to the display, but it just looks out of place. Does anyone think the same or am I just nuts? :thud:

I think the Avengers suit is not necessary for a Cap display unless you specifically want to represent that movie itself. The USO costume and Cap's Avengers suit were not approved by Rogers himself, they were just given to him. He never appears "at home" in either costume. I think the FTA suit, Stealth Suit, and upcoming AoU suit make for a great "Rogers approved" evolution of Cap.
I could have sworn the shield on the hijacked ship scenes looked like a subdued colored shield. All the colors were there but with a milky dull layer on top of it. The blu-ray release might bear this out.

It's really confounding how HT give us virtually 2 identical shields for the 2 pack. The regular shield was so prominent in the movie. My guess is they haven't figured out a way to paint the shield without flaking.
It's really confounding how HT give us virtually 2 identical shields for the 2 pack. The regular shield was so prominent in the movie. My guess is they haven't figured out a way to paint the shield without flaking.

Yeah, I wish they most people wish they were including a Stealth and regular shield with the 2-pack. Only the Golden Age version comes with it this time around. I was also hoping that WS would come with a super dirty version.

Yeah, I wish they most people wish they were including a Stealth and regular shield with the 2-pack. Only the Golden Age version comes with it this time around. I was also hoping that WS would come with a super dirty version.


That would come with the dx edition as hottoys continue to milk $$#
Does that means more captain america figure from this movie?

Oh god, don't tell me...

Will they do a 'Shopping mall casual hipster Steve Rogers' with sneakers, hoodies, hipster glasses and baseball cap? They've done cowboy Tony Stark so at this point I wouldn't put it past them. I actually dig that look for Rogers, more interesting than the civilian version they have now anyways. If it comes with regular shield I can get it and Stealth captain separately :thud: