Thank you! I really wanted to get this one, I even put an X-mas tree this year expecting him to come by the end of December, yeeeah,...right, dreams aren't forbidden)))))))
Sure thing, but I see that many collectors here just do crazy good displays only, and I love to do diorama shoots or set up scenes/situations where these superheroes may potentially continue to "live in", they are from an "imaginary land", so I don't stay "fixed" on displaying only and I literally go all the way. I also do redressing and restyling sometimes, I just recently realized that it keeps me really occupied between movie releases.LOL.
Congrats on getting Bucky in and the great review was much appreciated

- w. recent pics I'm appreciating the costume, which is looking quality - very early shots for me out of Hong Kong I was thinking the jacket MIGHT have looked like HT had gone cheap w. fabric - maybe.
I love to do diorama shoots or set up scenes/situations where these superheroes may potentially continue to "live in", they are from an "imaginary land", so I don't stay "fixed" on displaying only and I literally go all the way.
Me too. Or I hope to. Not for every fig, but a few key scenes, or at least construct something that evokes a film poster *thinking*. Re the packaging etc. - well, I can't shake the feeling that for whatever reason HT cut things as much as they could with Black Panther and WS both, which for me is a surprise. E.g., good figures, but BP has IMO a minimal hand set and no accessories (I would have liked to see another set of clawed hands, maybe with wide open palms); Bucky could have had a second sculpt or a shield as he does use it in the film. To be honest I think these figs deserved better re the characters they portrayed. Maybe HT rightly figured people would buy anyway, based on BP first appearance and first "full" Bucky face.
Also thank you for your evaluation of the sculpt/paint - well, don't have him in hand, so for now just what I thought - it's a bit of a "generic" Bucky (or Sebastian) - tho as has been said paint makes a difference

. On the other hand it's better than the *extreme* jaw I see in low-end toys. Guess that's a slippery slope w. portraits and that scale - IMO the AC Play head is a bit much. Without having him in hand, I think a lot is going to depend on view angles and lighting too. Your pictures were great BTW

, well lit and clear (and v-i-s-o-n's were also much appreciated, and others that folks sourced

Myself, without having Bucky in hand, just thinks this fig is screaming for some guyliner

e.g. "proto look"

but not having it in hand - IMO that's a slippery slope too, the difference in an image vs. reality. Couldn't resist tinkering w. your pic tho...
Not that I can PAINT. But got curious re rimming the inner eyelids w. a reddish brown re some figure painters doing this. And shaded the hairline and eyelids a bit a bit. Guess the secret among others is be subtle. Have no idea what the "master painter" did w. the nose etc. Think either a bit of liner or lining the inner lids MAY help the eyes on mine pop IF needed

. When it gets here

. Guess I may have Bucky and a Dr. Strange BluRay all in the same month.
Thanx again for review!