1/6 Hot Toys - MMS382 - Suicide Squad - The Joker (Purple Coat) Collectible Figure

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It's possible to ship it to my country from Sideshow but man 285 EUR on 1 regular (non DC) figure... :dunno
Re: Hot Toys - MMS - Suicide Squad - The Joker (Purple Coat) Collectible Figure

Nolan's & Ledger's will probably be the closest we ever get to the old school 60+ years of The Joker. No offense to those who like him, just not my taste.

I think you mean William Dozier and Cesar Romero.

Joker isn't a dirty vagrant that spews amatuer philosophical ideas, licks his lips, and wears his mom's make up. Ledger was as much a product of the try hard, Hot Topic crowd as Jared Leto. Both were "method" as well. Neither fit the bill of "clown prince of crime", both cater towards an edgy, nilisitic teenagers.

What Ledger's version got right was just the craziness and random nonsense he would do with no rhyme or reason. Unpredictable behavior that makes you realize this guy is truly nuts.. William Dozier and Cesar Romero from the old 1966 show were too campy and not frightening or threatening enough, but did have the classic look. Never really cared for Nicholson. Didn't really like his look or acting. He just came across as pretending to be crazy due to his situation and accident. Not genuinely crazy..

Really? Ledger Joker comes off as the most sane of all the Jokers, especially with some of his speeches to Gordon, Batman and Dent. He was constantly trying to prove a point and was never really "crazy and random XD !!"

I can't even think of one thing that wasn't some kind of goal that he was trying to achieve to show the city how flawed and corrupt they were. Unpredictable? By the end of the Dark Knight, doesn't Batman figure out Joker's entire shtick with the hostage/clown situation? He pretty much learned what was up after the address switching that led to Rachel's death. By that point, Joker wasn't even a threat anymore.

As for Dozier and Romero, you said the character's 60 years of history. For about 30 years of that history, Joker was a campy, unthreatening character. Especially in the 50s and 60s. I suppose Ledger had the frightening/threatening characteristics down (though, it's lost it's luster over the years), but he didn't have some key characteristics of the Joker that are inherently camp.

Atleast Nicholson Joker had Joker paraphernalia, smilex gas and other key Joker components. One minute he could be as goofy as the Romero Joker, dancing around defacing art pieces in a museum, to being as twisted as Ledger Joker talking to a corpse he fried or talking to himself about Batman after smearing blood he shed over a newspaper.

Leto will walk amongst along side all these interpretations without being trampled on. There's a key component that his Joker has on all other versions that has been important to the character for 23 years, and that's Harley Quinn and his relationship with her.

None of them are definitive or closer to being an "old school" Joker than the other. They're all just different interpretations and a far cry from the 1940s Joker.
Let me just say, the Joker and Harley Hot Toys are absolutely fabulous!
I obviously haven't seen the movie yet, but just the expressions and colors alone make me want to buy them!

Alas, I am saving my pennies for the lovely unmasked Kylo Ren 1/4 figure....

Maybe a future purchase if I can swing it. :)
Re: Hot Toys - MMS - Suicide Squad - The Joker (Purple Coat) Collectible Figure

None of them are definitive or closer to being an "old school" Joker than the other. They're all just different interpretations and a far cry from the 1940s Joker.

There will never be a definitive Joker. Each generation has their own Joker. This generations Joker is still Ledger, although that's about to change with the arrival of Leto. Plus Leto has the chance of featuring in multiple movies now so will no doubt dominate the Joker market for the next ten years plus.
Re: Hot Toys - MMS - Suicide Squad - The Joker (Purple Coat) Collectible Figure

There's a key component that his Joker has on all other versions that has been important to the character for 23 years, and that's Harley Quinn and his relationship with her.

You say that like that's a good thing :lol

I was so happy when Nolan ignored the Harley character. He could have easily given Joker some annoying sidekick or "girlfriend."

To me, she's nothing more than a rip off of Marisa Tomei's character in My Cousin Vinny...same NY accent and all.

As far as the previous Jokers go, none of them were very random. They all had a plan and were well organized. Which is fine, because the best Jokers aren't really random, they have a plan or goal,imo. The Killing Joke is the best example of a Joker that wanted to prove some kind of point...like Ledger.

As far as Baleman figuring out Ledger's plan, he pretty much had to spy on every phone in the city to find his location, and even after he saves the hostages and captures Joker, he didn't realized The Joker's full plan...or ultimate goal involving Harvey Dent, until Joker told him of course. He shouldn't have done that..:dunno Still, it was the ultimate misdirection.
Nah, I wasn't implying that it was a good thing. :lol

I don't like Harley personally, never have. She's bugged me since the animated series. It was alright when she was just a moll, a henchwoman, accompanying the Joker on his schemes and such. Once she became his girlfriend though, I dunno. The character annoys me. But I'm in the minority with that one, clearly and Harley has a huge popularity and influence on the Joker as a character that I can't deny.

I'm just saying that one Joker isn't better than any of the others. Like greygoose said, there will never be a definitive version.
Re: Hot Toys - MMS - Suicide Squad - The Joker (Purple Coat) Collectible Figure

There will never be a definitive Joker. Each generation has their own Joker. This generations Joker is still Ledger, although that's about to change with the arrival of Leto. Plus Leto has the chance of featuring in multiple movies now so will no doubt dominate the Joker market for the next ten years plus.

It won't be easy for Leto to step out of Ledger's shadow. Ledger had the benefit of a 20 year gap between Nicholson's take and the TDK version. It was enough time for people to embrace a new take.

I think it's going to take a few films for people to embrace Leto and ultimately it will be the quality of the films that will make people like his Joker, not the quantity.

So where does that leave Ledger, same place he's now along with Nicholson and every other actor or voice actor that played the Joker. He's a fan favorite. Leto will join that club eventually, and fans will endlessly debate which version is the "real" Joker :lol
Re: Hot Toys - MMS - Suicide Squad - The Joker (Purple Coat) Collectible Figure

So where does that leave Ledger, same place he's now along with Nicholson and every other actor or voice actor that played the Joker. He's a fan favorite. Leto will join that club eventually, and fans will endlessly debate which version is the "real" Joker :lol

Will the real Joker please stand up!...

Everyone has made some really good points about the different interpretations and personas of the Joker. It's nice to see a civilized conversation on here about differing opinions... Well done everyone.. :clap
Everyone has made some really good points about the different interpretations and personas of the Joker. It's nice to see a civilized conversation on here about differing opinions... Well done everyone.. :clap

Yeah, it's nice for now but I bet things get nuts after next week. :lol
Nah, I wasn't implying that it was a good thing. :lol

I don't like Harley personally, never have. She's bugged me since the animated series. It was alright when she was just a moll, a henchwoman, accompanying the Joker on his schemes and such. Once she became his girlfriend though, I dunno. The character annoys me. But I'm in the minority with that one, clearly and Harley has a huge popularity and influence on the Joker as a character that I can't deny.

I'm just saying that one Joker isn't better than any of the others. Like greygoose said, there will never be a definitive version.

Never liked Harley either. Try to avoid the comics she's in. The good thing about new 52, was that the Joker was nuts and without Harley.
I'm jumping in the discussion.
I am partial to Ledgers Joker because of the way he played the role.
Pure excellence!!
I'm eager to see if Leto's performance makes me enjoy the character just as much. I firmly believe the performance makes a definitive Joker more so than the look. With that said... I'm still struggling to not mind the tattoos and grill.
I too am annoyed by Harley as a character and find her unnecessary. I always did. I hope their relationship doesn't feel like it gets in the way in any of the movies.

As far as the figures...
All well-executed but need improvements.
Overpriced (no surprise there)
Arkham Version is the current best of IMO for a Leto Joker.
Harley is a Pass.
Deadshot looks pretty Boss with the masked head especially.
Waiting on other Joker versions yet to be released.
So... staying tuned.
Leto has been wearing the tuxedo a lot in photos lately, but he's also wearing the white suit in the Empire magazine cover and on the official film poster. Can't he just pick one costume and stick with it? :dunno
Supposedly he only has like 10+ minutes of screen time (Leto as Joker), so I guess every scene he'll be dressed different. Never took Joker to be such the fashionista...
I don't know about you guys, but I have a wardrobe. I wear different clothes every day. I'm not a cartoon or comic book character with one set of clothes, I have dozens and dozens of outfits.

Imagine how bad the Suicide Squad must smell in comparison to Joker.