This is coming from a guy who's only passing on the most expensive armors. I'm buying all the armors I can, plastic or diecast.
I agree though. Some people on the forum will jump down your throat if you like what they don't, or don't like what they do. Who cares? It's my money and I'll spend it like an oil rig worker if I want. If you don't know what that means, it means this... an oil rig worker will work for 3 months straight before getting a huge paycheck and some time off. Then he'll go into town and spend half his earnings on cheap booze and loose women. The remaining half, he'll just blow.
I'm with you. I have 8 diecast figures - only one makes my top 5. That's the Mark 45. The other ones in my top 5 are Shotgun, Starboost, Disco (love the paint), and Striker. and I paid $250 or less for each of those. The Mark 45 was almost $100 more. And to me, it's not $100 better because it's got diecast.
As predicted the original Mark V is practically being given away now compared to where prices were about two weeks ago! So glad I held out!
Here are a couple of pics. Let me know if there's anything else your interested in seeing it next to in case I have that figure.
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I have all armors 1-7 except the mark v, this was a first day pre order for me. Now I want to replace marks 1-7 with the diecast armors that will eventually release, anyone else feel that way?
I was just gonna get the die case Mk VI but now I want all 7.
I will call it quits after the VII
My least favorite from the original 7 is the Mk IV. I don't remember any scenes with that suit.
My least favorite from the original 7 is the Mk IV. I don't remember any scenes with that suit.
I remember all the scenes with the Mk. IV but I feel the same as you do, least favorite of the OG 7. First IM2 scene jumping out of the C-17 cargo plane "over the drop zone" where he lands on stage for the Stark Expo keynote. (As Subzro linked a clip) The next time he suits up is Monaco ���� using the Mk. V then has his birthday party �� wearing the Mk. IV where he answers the "question [he] gets asked most often" saying "just like that" as he pisses in his suit! Then Rhodes is furious and suits up in the Mk. II and the "Iron Man doesn't need a sidekick" fight happens. Obviously Rhodes proves him wrong saying "side... kick... THIS"! Finally we see Stark sitting inside the donut when Fury asks "sir, would you please exit the donut" then sits him down, reveals Natasha and hits him with a dose of lithium dioxide to "take the edge off".
Honestly, it's the most used armor of IM2 but most people seem to put that movie low on their MCU rankings. Personally, I liked the movie for what it was... cementing RDJ as the quintessential Tony Stark.
Nice summary bling! The mark 4 is a pretty beefy suit and I feel like it has more similarities to the Mark 6 than the Mark 3.
Well yeah the mk4 was the basis for the 6's design. The mk6 is basically the mk4 enhanced with the new chest RT utilizing the " new element " tony makes, as well as enhanced weaponry.