His was also the nicest, cleanest and most pleasant Gotham City to live in; so West's Batman is the only successful one of the bunch!
Honestly, maybe it's just that I've become more socially conscious as I've gotten older, but I've grown to think of West's Batman as, perhaps, the best, in terms of characterization. First off, he works within the confines of the law and with the GCPD, as opposed to outside of them. Granted, this has a lot to do with their characterization, as well, as they're not a bunch of corrupt pricks, but, still, role model! Second, while he could kick your ass, he wasn't a bloodthirsty fascist who'd beat you for the sake of beating you; he always gave his foes a chance to surrender peacefully and any fighting he did was pretty much self-defense when they opted to attack him. Plus? He genuinely cared about people. Not just the citizens of Gotham, but the criminals, as well. He believed in rehabilitation and encouraged Robin to keep an open mind, even when it turned out not to work.
Then, there's Robin. He really built that kid up. Training him as his protegé in all aspects of life, from the arts to education, he was methodical in the way he approached everything, when it came to Grayson, and Aunt Harriet's presence there made D!ck's relationship as his ward pretty clear, as she was the legal guardian, and Bruce was the mentor who took him under his wing, which, again, role model!