Both my Morpheus and Agent Smith figures have strong joints. No floppy bodies on either of them.
Tailoring is surprisingly very good for a third party figure company.
By the way, if all you need is the Neo outfit, there are options available on Ebay for that. I built my custom sequels Neo some time ago utilizing an outfit set that included the outfit and shoes. The outfit was wired to provide some cool poses, as well. I think I picked it up from OneSixthKit, if not mistaken.

Just noticed the long neck in the pic. At the time, I was waiting for a neck attachment peg...
Tailoring is surprisingly very good for a third party figure company.
By the way, if all you need is the Neo outfit, there are options available on Ebay for that. I built my custom sequels Neo some time ago utilizing an outfit set that included the outfit and shoes. The outfit was wired to provide some cool poses, as well. I think I picked it up from OneSixthKit, if not mistaken.

Just noticed the long neck in the pic. At the time, I was waiting for a neck attachment peg...