Thank you!

Yeah, u can pick up stuff like that from Monkey Depot, the 'bay, etc. but I can get away with that kind of thing 'coz I use bookshelves. They can take up space or have some weight, depending.
Hope u are real happy with him - Bucky may be my fav MCU character but IMO a *blah* fig is a blah fig

. Going over the rifle some more, realized the rifle alone of that quality - since I outfit my Buckys and BW with extra weapons - even if plastic - wouldn't be all that cheap

. Has great detail. Tip: One of my scopes kept popping off, but figured out if u carefully line up tiny pegs and holes, and push scope hard, I didn't need glue/putty - holds fine.
U can do a lot with him - articulation limited by usual pants and body etc., but overall IMO great to work with (and nice to know my CW Panther is still holding up

) Just a great fig with great paint IMO.

Few more cell shots.....
Bad boys bad boys whatcha gonna do, whatcha gonna do when they come for you
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