Super Freak
Thanks for these cool photos Sassafras!!!

Thanks for these cool photos Sassafras!!!
This! This figure looks great - so great in fact I've just gone and pre-ordered one myself!
is it me or is one of his eyes off the left one? do you all think it was factory defect?
Think it's the shadowing.Dude, I thought I was the only one seeing that.
Thank you! Real pics are TOO valuable when deciding to part with those dollars
. Hope you are happy with him - folks who appreciate great detail I think will enjoy.
But honestly, since I've had him a couple of days - yep, still feel the same, HT did great. Reminds me of my DS #1, and CW Cap and Wanda in quality. I mean, *often* u could say HT does pretty stellar work anyway.
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$280Wow, this guy's work is amazing!! I'm in awe of his facebook page honestly. I wonder how much he charges per head...
Tbh I'd been deliberating for the last few months as to whether to order him or not, too many figures on order, did I need another Bucky etc etc, but the all the new pics helped me to finally decide to pull the trigger! Glad I did put in a order...all the pre-order allocation slots at my usual retailer are now full it seems so good job I didn't leave it any longer!
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Total cheat getting him to hold the shield involving duck tape and putty...but miss the good 'ol days when HT was putting out those diecast shields like this one![]()
Yeah, I had JUST felt like I got a handle on things, kind of $$$$$. And I'm worthless where this fig is concerned; as figs go IMO he's awesome quality and for me - Wakanda etc. seems to be the only kind of "natural" MCU setting. Like Bucky and the rest are either urban or cosmic etc. (Also even if the TV series has HT doing Bucky and Falcon - maybe - it's gonna be a good while before production.)
Now I am back on fig PO overload. But - like BBTS seemed to be the last usual retailer who even HAD IW Natasha, except the 'bay. Most older MCU figs on the 'bay are out of reach for me now, even used. Glad BBTS still had Nastasha in stock at retail.
"Guess what Cap...we lost..."
So the Wakanda battle wasn't much like I thought it was gonna be(like I thought it would have been interesting if Cap had gotten temporarily dusted and Bucky was more or less forced to carry on) - but meanwhile since I can do what I want with my figs
and the damaged Stealth Set shield and mask sat in the box all this time...and IMO the shield's colors I think go perfect with this Bucky...
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Total cheat getting him to hold the shield involving duck tape and putty...but miss the good 'ol days when HT was putting out those diecast shields like this one![]()
Yeah, I had JUST felt like I got a handle on things, kind of $$$$$. And I'm worthless where this fig is concerned; as figs go IMO he's awesome quality and for me - Wakanda etc. seems to be the only kind of "natural" MCU setting. Like Bucky and the rest are either urban or cosmic etc. (Also even if the TV series has HT doing Bucky and Falcon - maybe - it's gonna be a good while before production.)
Now I am back on fig PO overload. But - like BBTS seemed to be the last usual retailer who even HAD IW Natasha, except the 'bay. Most older MCU figs on the 'bay are out of reach for me now, even used. Glad BBTS still had Nastasha in stock at retail.
View attachment 469283
Total cheat getting him to hold the shield involving duck tape and putty...but miss the good 'ol days when HT was putting out those diecast shields like this one![]()
Wow, great use of that shield...suits Bucky really well!
Yeah he is a great looking figure, I can?t wait until mine gets here. He looks great in this pose with the shield!!!
Me too!! I have way too many figures on pre-order!
This pic is great tho - he looks really good with a shield, I think I have some unused Cap shields so I might do something like this when mine arrives.
As cool as that mashup/kitbash looks from wilian_batista, the flesh colored wrist peg just ruins the immersion for me. Regardless, I decided to grab a dupe the other day with a $25 coupon and free shipping for a nice $198! The SAW is easily the nicest one yet I?ve seen from any company which is why I grabbed a loose one off TA as well. I just noticed the dark blueish paint on parts of the barrel because the power got shutdown in California and was using a flashlight. I think my next step will be to weather up the jacket and pants to match his look in IW better.
Hope everyone is enjoying their figure as much being that this is really one of the best from the IW line (which is packed with many amazing figures already).
Yeah, I was always gonna cut up some nylons or stretchy hair ties and make a kind of flexible black cuff for TWS Bucky waaaaay back re the wrist pegs....but never bothered. Like a wide rubber band. I'll get to it one day! (Come to think of it, 1/6 scale fig socks could be cut and slipped on - the idea being that he's wearing a black turtleneck, it would just look like the shirt cuff)
That's an awesome deal for this fig, congrats! Totally agree about the SAW - haven't compared it to the CW rifle yet, but it's an amazing piece.I've bought enough 1/6 weapons to know the better ones are $$$$$ Blows my mind they inset lenses into the scope + all the moving parts (if delicate here and there). It's a beast of a weapon
Makes my cheaper 1/6 weapons look like real *&^%
Take care with all the stuff in CA right now!![]()
OMFG, 1/6 socks; that is a crazy great idea!!! I?ve been kitbashing for as long as I have been collecting and never thought of that amazing idea, Thank you! And yeah, as far as weapons go, the IW BB SAW is definitely one of the nicest painted 1/6 rifles I have seen/bought and the dry brushing looks better than the CW BB SAW to my eyes since I noticed the dark blue (the mold looks identical).
Yeah the ?stuff? going on in California is just madness. From the greedy, vengeful electric company to wildfires burning entire towns to corrupt politicians (redundant) to ?forced? migration (Californian residents moving north and east) so companies can acquire mineral rights with year on year droughts and mass gentrification in major cities, and add the fact that the tariffs have majorly hurt the state?s economy, the ?eureka, I?ve found it? state has turned into ?get the **** out? state. It is really sad to see this all happening at once in my lifetime; it used to be one of the nicest, most beautiful, peaceful and fun places in the world (Japan is my favorite).
Great shot!This figure is fantastic, if anyone is still on the fence, they shouldn't be.
Those are some really great tips, Sassafras! The wrist peg on my WS always bothered me, but I never thought about covering the joint.![]()