Yeah this was a figure I was feeling somewhat tempted by beforehand, but after all the exciting new movie and TV series announcements yesterday it's just hard to care much anymore about a stealth outfit.
Was wondering why something was looking off with the mask/lens and after checking the actually suit, I can't unsee how wide eyed Hot Toys made them look on the figure.
Wow, so now that more review videos are finally out I gotta say this figure has ended up being one massive disappointment. I'm not even sure I will pick this up now given all the flaws / downgrades. I'm not even gonna factor in the Spidey lenses being too far apart, but there are so many other things I don't think I can overlook...[...]
There are times I think you're too unforgiving of HT, but not one of those times.
Massive downgrade in terms of execution and materials. It's a very cheeky move that deserves all the ridicule and none of the money.
This has definitely got to go as contender for one of Hot Toys worst.
Wish they weren't so married to this plastic texture fabric lately, this could have been a great opportunity to use the bulk and proper cloth fabric to have a really flexible and articulated Spider-Man suit for once
Wow. I had noticed the terrible soft headsculpt and the eyes basically on the side of his head but that suit is unforgivable. Glad I didn?t put an NRD down on this.
Wow, so now that more review videos are finally out I gotta say this figure has ended up being one massive disappointment. I'm not even sure I will pick this up now given all the flaws / downgrades. I'm not even gonna factor in the Spidey lenses being too far apart, but there are so many other things I don't think I can overlook...
First off, the headsculpt. I get that it's plastic and even though it's plastic the prototype was able to mimic the fabric look much better than the actual final product which has lost most of the details and looks like straight up cheap plastic!
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Also the Tom Holland likeness seems to have been completely lost from proto to final product...that looks like it could legit be any generic kid underneath the mask!
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Now the most egregious of all offenses has to be the glaring downgrade in terms of the suit design. The original prototype was able to successfully replicate the look of all those separate panels which gave the suit a sense of depth and dimension. Unfortunately HT cheaped out on the final product and decided to have mostly all the panels and armor panels printed ON the suit. The end result is a flat, cheap looking final product...ugh!
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Look at the prototype, look at how the suit shows off all the various panels of the separate armor...all that depth and texture, now compare that to the final product which is just FLAT!!!
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This image below is FALSE ADVERTISING!
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Sadly, I don't think I can justify this purchase anymore. With that being said, I just wanna give a big F U to HT for cheapening out and giving us a Boseman downgrade situation again!
Bait and switch at its finest people!!!![]()
Wow that's really ******. Even Mezco did an over vest for their spider-monkey figure. That's just awful, I was thinking to see if I saw this for cheap in a month or two I'd pick it up, but doesn't even seem to be worth that.