Hot Toys Movie Masterpiece 1/6 Mandarin Figure

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I've done it. I've gone and pulled the trigger on this. £115 shipped. Now I've gotta get me a battle damaged Iron Man MK42 Helmet and a 1/6 scale AK-47 to complete him. Sweeeeeet!
Try to get the foo dogs too...
It a good fig. With the AK and IM helmet under his foot he looks like a proper villain.
Yes, they actually do...

Wow! Great pic Bullet1217. Mine is on its way. The despatch e-mail reads as follows...


Thanks for your payment. We've processed your order and your Hot Toys Mandarin figure will be despatched shortly. Unfortunately we cannot estimate a delivery date simply because it's the Mandarin and yoooouuuu'll neverrrrrr ssseeeeee him coming!"
Wow! Great pic Bullet1217. Mine is on its way. The despatch e-mail reads as follows...


Thanks for your payment. We've processed your order and your Hot Toys Mandarin figure will be despatched shortly. Unfortunately we cannot estimate a delivery date simply because it's the Mandarin and yoooouuuu'll neverrrrrr ssseeeeee him coming!"


and thanks :hi5:
Wow! Great pic Bullet1217. Mine is on its way. The despatch e-mail reads as follows...


Thanks for your payment. We've processed your order and your Hot Toys Mandarin figure will be despatched shortly. Unfortunately we cannot estimate a delivery date simply because it's the Mandarin and yoooouuuu'll neverrrrrr ssseeeeee him coming!"

Haha. That's brilliant.
You will shortly own one of the best products HT has ever made that divided so many people who cannot get over a movie plot twist.
I'll be honest Username, I was one of those very same detractors back in 2013 and tore into IM3 over its numerous plot issues. The handling of the Mandarin, the absurdly overpowered Killian, the emphasis on comedy, too much RDJ and not enough Iron Man, the list was long. I've since rewatched it several times and whilst some of the issues are still there, they no longer bother me as much and I'm completely at peace with the Mandarin. It's like Killian says to Stark about giving the enemy a face. The real one pulling the strings maintains anonymity and will never get caught. Makes sense really. Thanks to All Hail The King, we at least know that the real Mandarin is out there. Trevor mentions that they paid for him to have plastic surgery so maybe the real Mandarin looks just like Trevor. Yes this was all done by Marvel following fan outrage but at least they were willing to address an issue that needed addressing without damaging IM3 for those that liked it.

And yes, this figure looks amazing and I'm glad I've got it for such a good price.
I have to admit to never reading any comics with Mandarin in them and, although i was looking forward to seeing the mandarin played by Kingsley, i was pleasantly surprised when we got Trevor.
It was such a sucker punch that long time fans who never saw the twist coming still take offence at, lol.
Yeah, I've never read any of the old Mandarin books either but he seems like a somewhat outdated villain who wouldn't fit in to the MCU as it stands. The Mandarin in IM3 seems the only logical way to do it. I've gone full circle on it. Did Trevor have to be such a tool? I don't know, but the pawn of an anonymous villain? Definitely.
Yeah, I've never read any of the old Mandarin books either but he seems like a somewhat outdated villain who wouldn't fit in to the MCU as it stands. The Mandarin in IM3 seems the only logical way to do it. I've gone full circle on it. Did Trevor have to be such a tool? I don't know, but the pawn of an anonymous villain? Definitely.

It makes perfect sense in our modern world. Only an idiot would stand up and take credit for terrorism against the US. Unless... The idiot who took credit really was just a puppet.

Also, as for "Too Much Tony Stark" in the movie, they really wanted to get back to the IM1 *A-Team* vibe with Tony mcgyvering his way out of trouble. Another point of note is that the original script for IM3 had his final line:

"So if I were to wrap this up tight with a bow or whatever, I guess I'd say my armor, it was never a distraction or a hobby, it was a cocoon. And now, I'm a changed man. You can take away my house, all my tricks and toys. One thing you can't take away...I am Tony Stark."
Now that would have been a much better way to end it. It makes sense too. Why would he blow up all his suits (that still bothers me - he knows that aliens are likely to re-invade, why destroy all that valuable tech) and then still proclaim to be Iron Man? He's Tony Stark, whose innate ability to develop technology to his advantage is his real power and not just limited to suits. Why did they change it? Daft.

"Unless the idiot who took credit really was just a puppet." Don't open that can of worms! See, IM3 has deep political commentary too!
They are not.... Big difference between Lions (Foo dogs: Western miss-interpretation) and Kirin (Qilin).... Chinese Unicorns...
Yeah..but i couldn't find actual Chinese Uniconrs at this scale, and besides this Mandarin is a western miss-interpretation of the real character.
Yeah..but i couldn't find actual Chinese Uniconrs at this scale, and besides this Mandarin is a western miss-interpretation of the real character.

This is the Japanese variant.... Revoltech actually produced an articulated Kirin..

Note Chinese Qilin usually have dino (raptor) feet instead of hoofs...

IM3 reference: