Hot Toys Movie Masterpiece 1/6 Mandarin Figure

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It's interesting.. Was HT given early screening before deciding which figures to make? Or were they just handed out concept materials from the movie?
Costume looks like another potential masterpiece from HT.
Yeah. That's what I was impressed with firsthand.


Any takers? :lol
That's the headsculpt on SS's 1/4 The Mandarin PF.

from what i've read, it sounds like the scriptwriters and director deveated too far from the established marvel movie universe feel with the film.
And I hate it when they do that.

It's interesting.. Was HT given early screening before deciding which figures to make? Or were they just handed out concept materials from the movie?
If they got both, I find it funny that they still mess up on the proportions. :slap
I want Pepper too, I just want her to be under $150. She does not wear special costumes and i doubt they will do an armored version - hilarious as that would be - so for a chick in street-clothes I am thinking $150 MAX.

Need her to go with Tony.

She won the hot Toys fan poll and Agent Coulson came in dead last.
Now he has a figure and she doesn't?
Hot Toys needs to get her done.
ALL the custom figures of Pepper that I've seen look terrible.
Not even close to Gwyneth Paltrow's likeness.
$150 for a figure from Hot Toys? Sad to say but those days are over. If anything she will be $199. The bad sculpted ones are running for $170 on eBay for the entre figure, suit, chair and a mini iPad.

I imagine Hot Toys will price her at $200, depending on what they include.
Marvel could've just given HT movie stills of that.
I just want to ask specifically if someone knows whether or not HT gets to see the film / know the story before hand.

K. I'm going to guess that there are those in the industry that can have designs presented to them, and construct said designs, with probable plot spoilers in their lap. Lips sealed and mums the word.
God forbid they do something unique instead of allowing restrictions from other films.

The whole point in waiting till after Thor for mandarin This was about establishing precidence.
It Was so they could establish magic as science we don';t understand, and have things like Mandarin's rings work.

Hey, I've got this idea. In the next move, Lets make all the avengers Jedi. Just becuase we can.

Deviating from the established concept, Just becuase you can is stupid. The whole point of playing in someone elses universe, is to do exactly that. While it may be fun to put your own spin on something, it often can be taken to far, and end in a trainwreck. ( See rise of cobra).

Point being, this film is not being viewed vary favorably so far. Not out and out dislike, but it reminds me right now of the early days of Phantom menace's release. Time will tell.

Anyways, I've not seen it yet, I don't have a full opinion. I've got one, that is mostly disapointment derived from old holyweird doctorine that I THOUGHT the Avengers Movie dispelled.

" Keep it simple, the "little people" are too stupid to get full on comic movies. they're too compleicated. Gotta dumb it down."
" Keep it simple, the "little people" are too stupid to get full on comic movies. they're too compleicated. Gotta dumb it down."

I don't get what you mean by things being dumbed down. Marvel movies having been full on and doing wacky unrealistic comic booky things since 2000.

Genetic spiders giving people powers, alien liquids from outer space, mutants shooting laser beams out of their eyes, men with flaming skulls who somehow get their skin and hair back overnight, scientists transforming into big creatures, machines that can track every mutants on the planet ect...

As for IM3 i haven't seen it and don't know all the spoilers, but if it does something that isn't in play with events or technology that happened in non-iron man films it won't matter to me as long as it tells a good Iron Man story. I'll be seeing it to watch iron man and his supporting characters in a continuation of Iron Man 1 & 2, nothing more.
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It's intentional mostly. They want to balance articulation and good looks.
I personally think they've done a great job with that.
I don't know anything about designing figures but how would bulking up a figure to create an impression that someone is actually inside it do anything to it's articulation?? Except the WM and to an extent the MK IV, all the others look skinny to me as if they were drones.

I want a Pepper with the gauntlet on her arm.

I want Natasha with a gauntlet on her arm!