Yeh good spot. Sorry, just the mood I am in tonight.
I'll tell you why it's "such a difficult concept to grasp."
Because using language like "playing the odds" is completely contradictory to language like "it will be the nurse joker. mark my words." One is acknowledging that you think there's a probability that it's a Nurse Joker. The other is being absolutely certain, acting as if you actually have a reason to know.
It's gonna be a Nurse Joker
You mean a second DX Batman?
Eyes, neck, cowl, arms, legs, cape, all of that was off so I'm sure TDKR DX will be an improvement (if they don't improve those things it'll be pretty shameful)
(if they don't improve those things it'll be pretty shameful)
Well they don't improved a s*** for BB Bruce so I wouldn't be surprised if the same thing gonna happen with TDK costume second rerelease.
Speculation, speculation, speculation, speculation, speculation, speculation, speculation, unnecessary bumps, no new info, speculation, speculation, speculation, speculation, speculation, speculation, speculation, unnecessary bumps, no new info, speculation, speculation, speculation, speculation, speculation, speculation, speculation, unnecessary bumps, no new info, speculation, speculation, speculation, speculation, speculation, speculation, unnecessary bumps, no new info, speculation, speculation, speculation, speculation, speculation, speculation, speculation, unnecessary bumps, no new info.