Super Freak
I'm sure this has been said and 2.0 means a upgrade to something that exists.
I guess Joker 2.0 didn't make the Hot Toys catalog. I wonder if that means this is really a LONG way off from coming? secretive?
DX Bank Robber Joker
How can Hot Toys upgrade a Nurse Joker if they've never made one?
How can Hot Toys upgrade a Nurse Joker if they've never made one?
hay guiz when does thi s com out??? whend does this comeout? i reely hop dis is reg. jerker ledger mabe nurse to? i dont heve any ht jerkers cuz i missed out so dis is a must bye. i missed out 4 yearss. howe much, i neeeeeed this noww. pls
i will bump thsi multiple tymes throuhg the days til i get a anser.
Nice to see a conversation between two intelligent people