Hot Toys : New DX TDK Joker 2.0 Coming

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Re: Hot Toys New TDK Joker Coming?

That's what I'm saying. Someone said they're trying to get Joker out before the TDKR onslaught... but I'm sure they'll be making Jokers from now til kingdom come.
Re: Hot Toys New TDK Joker Coming?

Tells you HT is right again...JOKER = BIG MONEY!:hi5:

Re: Hot Toys New TDK Joker Coming?


Great signature girl this time around. I love her!
Re: Hot Toys New TDK Joker Coming?

I don't know how this is milking. Technically, they've only made 3 Jokers, and, as much as I love my DX 01, they've come a long way since 2009. The Jack Nicholson Joker shows just how much farther their PERS system has come. I think that this could be a great improvement if you at least wait to see it.
Re: Hot Toys New TDK Joker Coming?

ONLY three Jokers?...

As opposed to zero Ras and Gordon.
Re: Hot Toys New TDK Joker Coming?

Their artistry has come so far since DX01 was released. Looking forward to this new take. Personally, I would love to see his look from the party crashing scene replicated. You can really see Heath under the makeup there.
Re: Hot Toys New TDK Joker Coming?

ok they will improve again and again year after year... so? a new joker every three year? i think this is not a good sign. So much money for figures that you think will be unique and what? joker 2.0..:thud: the 30th iron man 45th predator a new lee coming ecc...
Re: Hot Toys New TDK Joker Coming?

ONLY?... :slap

It's four technically with the cop Joker and sculpt.

So? There are three releases, in my eyes, that's 3 Jokers. They're making it anyway, so no point in _____ing about it. Most of you'll probably buy it anyway.
Re: Hot Toys New TDK Joker Coming?

Cant really count the V1 sculpt as a Legder likeness. Doesn't really look much like him.
Re: Hot Toys New TDK Joker Coming?

You ever wonder how, as a character and a toy, Bane is ever going to compete with the Joker?

When TDKR comes out, they'll still be releasing Joker figures instead.

Depends on how he looks in the film. If it's the typical man in a suit with a mask on, then he will flop like Two-Face.
Re: Hot Toys New TDK Joker Coming?

From what we've seen so far, Bane is going to look like an animal with a muzzle - will do great as a figure I think but probably a one and done with a couple of outfits if he has any significant wardrobe variation
Re: Hot Toys New TDK Joker Coming?

Oh my god, how can people talk for 32 pages over a flier!
Re: Hot Toys New TDK Joker Coming?

From what we've seen so far, Bane is going to look like an animal with a muzzle - will do great as a figure I think but probably a one and done with a couple of outfits if he has any significant wardrobe variation

Bane will make a much better figure than Dent/TwoFace.
Re: Hot Toys New TDK Joker Coming?

Imagine if there were photos of the fig... we would've beaten the Nicholson thread three times over.
Re: Hot Toys New TDK Joker Coming?

The answer is a brand new DX Joker version 2.0 and another and another and another and another. You follow?

Nope, I don't. Considering all I've heard the past year is Hot Toys have inferior sculpts with no likeness including clothes and somehow they are overly excited for this. What gives...

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Re: Hot Toys New TDK Joker Coming?

I just don't see a need for another joker. You know what would sell?

Ras, Gordon, Alfred. Just saying

I'll probably pick it up. I'm weak
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