Super Freak
I'm guessing a second head could be a repainted BR sculpt. If it follows recent reissues it's going to be mostly a rehash with (maybe) a minor accesory or two.
Im with you on that!
I want an angry hit-me face.
I'm guessing a second head could be a repainted BR sculpt. If it follows recent reissues it's going to be mostly a rehash with (maybe) a minor accesory or two.
How many literal "re-issues" have they had? The Mark 1 is the only one I can think of. Yeah, they have the Classic Predator and the TF BB but the Pred was from a different movie and the TF is meant to be the "First Night Out" figure.So I guess both have some sort of credibility to be an all new figure. The Mark 1 is the only one besides the Joker to have the 2.0 title, right?
Tumbler and Batpod are both full reissues. TF Begins Batman was a reissue with a headsculpt and a harness.
I think that we're already past the point of a straight re-issue when one of the tailors has already said that the DX 2.0 clothing is some of HT's best work (it's in this thread somewhere).
How many literal "re-issues" have they had? The Mark 1 is the only one I can think of. Yeah, they have the Classic Predator and the TF BB but the Pred was from a different movie and the TF is meant to be the "First Night Out" figure.So I guess both have some sort of credibility to be an all new figure. The Mark 1 is the only one besides the Joker to have the 2.0 title, right?
Hell forget DX 2.0 Joker and Batman Returns, Hot Toys will be lucky if they can get a Bane, Catwoman and Batman out in time for when the DVD hits next holiday season.
I think you guys are forgetting how bare bones most of these DX releases have been. There haven't been too many alternate heads or clothes. In fact with the DX line you get less bang for your buck now.
If this Joker release is like the Nicholson Joker and is just an update of the regular purple outfit then I'd be happy with the following.
- Smiling head (with a lighter yellow/green hair)
- better tailored, more accurate outfit
- brighter purple coat
- orange lining
- blue sports coat
- knife shoe
- pipe/bar
- snub pistol
- Remington sawed off shot gun
- detonators
- regular hands (for the interrogation stuff)
- gloved hands
That's a pretty definitive release, I'd be happy. It would cover accessories and weapons that haven't been done, a head sculpt that Hot Toys haven't given us all while being along the lines of their Nicholson Joker, '89 Batman, Jack Sparrow and T-800.
When you say "next" holiday season what do you mean? "Next" as in 'next year' - 2013? Or "Next" as in this coming holiday season?
I genuinely don't know.
As I've said before, I host a movie party each year, and fully intend to have TDKR December 2012. Are you saying this wont happen?
Sounds good to me. I'm even up for the smiling headsculpt. Just don't want a laughing sculpt.