Hot Toys new Superman teaser... he's coming guys!

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Why. Why was Nicholas Cage ever considered for the role? I don't get it.

He loves comics and because of that he's been trying to force his way into superhero films.... At least he only ruined one b-level hero with Ghost Rider. If he was cast as Superman it would be a failure of colossal proportions.

How the hell did they think this would've been a good idea? I mean seriously :lol
He loves comics and because of that he's been trying to force his way into superhero films.... At least he only ruined one b-level hero with Ghost Rider. If he was cast as Superman it would be a failure of colossal proportions.

But surely if he loved comics he'd have realised that Nicholas Cage is absolutely not right for the role of Superman. You just don't cast someone who doesn't look like Superman as Superman. Sure some characters have benefitted from a bit of reinvention but I just don't think Superman would be one.
Simple really, Burton had just knocked the ____ out the park with his 89 Batman and so WB gave him free reign to do what he wanted with Superman. The project fell through (thankfully) but WB hasn't learned their lesson. Nolan knocked the ____ out of the park with his Batman and they gave him free reign to put together a Superman project. The only difference is that his Superman is agreeable while Burton's was deemed a bit too farfetched but the basics are the same.
Simple really, Burton had just knocked the ____ out the park with his 89 Batman and so WB gave him free reign to do what he wanted with Superman. The project fell through (thankfully) but WB hasn't learned their lesson. Nolan knocked the ____ out of the park with his Batman and they gave him free reign to put together a Superman project. The only difference is that his Superman is agreeable while Burton's was deemed a bit too farfetched but the basics are the same.

When you say WB gave Chris Nolan free reign then you make it sound bad.
Correct me if am wrong but before Tim Burton did Batman he had only done Pee Wee's Big Adventure and Beetlejuice. Out of that Beetlejuice was by far the better film. They took a little risk with him and Batman and it paid off bigtime.
Now take Christopher Nolan, he did Memento, Insomnia, Batman Begins, The Prestige, The Dark Knight and then Inception and now their giving him so called "free reign" for Superman. Am sorry but for someone with such a good track record and experience I think he deserves free reign over Superman.

While writing this reply it got me thinking about the whole superhero franchise and these are my thoughts, I have no problem if people do not agree, everyone has their own opinion, btw am using Tim Burton's Batman as an example and am no way bashing it at all. I personally loved the film and it was what got me into superheroes:

I know there are people who love Tim Burtons Batman but that was when we/I were kids, and so they will always win over the newer generation of superhero films or even films in general. Now if someone tried to pull off what Burton did with Batman in 2011 where the villan sprayed acid out of flowers, fell into a VAT of chemicals and resulted in a smiley face etc, it sure as well would not work...we are adults now, we do not have the minds of 6 year olds and therefore we need a clever, grounded and realistic approach to superhero films seeing as they are the most imaginative and farfetched stories out their. One artist that comes to mind is Alex Ross. His paintings capture the realism and aura of a Superhero while staying true to the source material no matter how weird the character/costume is. In the same way I think this generations Superhero films need to have the same treatment given. That doesn't mean all films need to be serious and dark. For example, the new Superman film doesnt and cannot be dark or serious, it just need to be taken seriously and be treated like an important piece of film. Good example of this not happening was Batman and Robin and Batman Forever. A good example of this working was Richard Donners Superman. I guess this is now turned into a rant but owh well...In conclusion I think what am trying to say is that if given to the right director and the right actors and with the right intentions I think we can all be proud of this generations class of Superhero films instead of always comparing it to another version of that film that happened a long time ago or complaining about how it wasnt 100% to the source material.
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[ame=""]YouTube - ‪Superman Lives Suit‬‏[/ame]

:panic: I imagine you're also the kind of guy that looks into the toilet after taking a deuce and gives a fist pump of approval :yess:.


How about now?

I thought that was San Franciso Giants pitcher, Tim Lincecum as Superman
Now take Christopher Nolan, he did Memento, Insomnia, Batman Begins, The Prestige, The Dark Knight and then Inception and now their giving him so called "free reign" for Superman. Am sorry but for someone with such a good track record and experience I think he deserves free reign over Superman.

Here is the thing. You can think he deserves free reign (I personally don't as great as the Batman films are, Nolan has shown himself shortsighted in realizing that one of the great pieces of mythos in the Batman universe is that he is a man amongst Gods holding his own and even besting them but that is for another talk show.) but it doesn't matter what we think, it's just a justification.

As far as the studio is concerned, Nolan could have won an Oscar for every film he has ever directed and if BB had failed, he'd have been out. He could have directed nothing but Pauly Shore movies before BB and with BB and TDK's successes they would have given him free reign to do whatever he wants. The studios don't give a ____ about pedigree in the end, it's a nice notch to add to the belt to almost legitimize the projects but in the end they just to hit that cash pinata and get their returns. It's a moot point anyway since Nolan turned down Superman and decided to produce, setting up the script and the universe but ultimately handing everything to Snyder to pull off to which I have a good amount of faith in.
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