Super Freak
For others putting Wicket's "drum helmet" to better use, here's how it looks on the ANH-style Death star trooper (sorry for blurry and massive pics.) The first one I did is ESB style and I'll be making a final ROTJ style one to go with Wicket and Leia.
The helmet weathering actually doesn't jump out too much - from early pics I thought it might have been too "forest floor" grimy to work on a fairly clean DST fig, but it's really not too noticeable.
There are quite distinct DST differences between all three films (tunic style/length, type of boots, type of blaster, type of gloves, belt details, way the helmet attaches and is worn, shoulder emblems vs no emblems etc,) so I decided to make three... yeah, I know.
Sorry, had a crossed wire there - yeah, both look better to me with the hair.
To me Leia w/ helmet creates a contrast next to the cheeks that shows how thin the face is, vs the hairpiece seems to make the whole head (and therefore face) more rounded and improve the likeness.
And Jedibear yeah its weird that the helmet scratches the face/head - bad form on such an expensive release. You're paying for two looks but aren't really getting it.
I still think it's weird that HT made the Luke and Leia helmets so different in size as they aren't that way in the movie, but as davejames said, HT tends to undersize female heads a little so I guess the Luke sized helmet would have looked off.
Fantastic DST customs Tali! Always liked the ANH style better. What did you use for your ANH tunic?