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I have one of the scouts with the exclusive rifle and he looks great on the shelf but the bike did not impress me. With the way HT is rolling though, it is only a matter of time. That being said, would way rather see things that have never been touched yet like Tarken, Lando, Imperial Guard, Jabba's Palace over Endor, etc.

On thread topic, I though R2 looked really good with the metal dome but I don't hate on the SSC one I have.

Despite being sideways, scale looks a little bitter there due to the angle you took the photo. R2 has looked a bit large in several photos.
Despite being sideways, scale looks a little bitter there due to the angle you took the photo. R2 has looked a bit large in several photos.

It's 3PO's body that's concerning me. Legs seem a little stubby no matter the pic angle (I've seen a few angles now) and the torso seems barrel chested. It may just be because nearly all these pics are taken with smartphones.
It's 3PO's body that's concerning me. Legs seem a little stubby no matter the pic angle (I've seen a few angles now) and the torso seems barrel chested. It may just be because nearly all these pics are taken with smartphones.

Who cares about that 3PO, he's from TFA. Unless they just reuse the mold for later versions. Then we should care. I definitely would buy a weathered OT 3PO if it tops the Tama.
Who cares about that 3PO, he's from TFA. Unless they just reuse the mold for later versions. Then we should care. I definitely would buy a weathered OT 3PO if it tops the Tama.

There's a gold arm included that will replace the red one. Saw it at SDCC. I don't think it was there the first day or two, I noticed it either on Saturday or Sunday.
Who cares about that 3PO, he's from TFA. Unless they just reuse the mold for later versions. Then we should care. I definitely would buy a weathered OT 3PO if it tops the Tama.

That's my concern. The fact they redid parts of the stormie for the ROTJ version is encouraging though.

In looking at pics of the TFA 3PO suit, there are some differences in proportions (beyond just "fatter" arms/ankles/torso) with the new suit. I noticed that the Hasbro 12" TFA 3PO also has slightly stumpy legs like the HT one - looks like maybe it's supposed to be that way.

Interesting no one has expressed concerns about the HT 3PO arm pistons. They aren't quite as fat as the Tama ones that caused so much angst, but they are still noticeably thicker than screen accurate. The SSC 3PO's "pistons" are screen accurate size, but they were fudged, not real functioning pistons.
But that's just for the end of TFA, not to turn the fat boy into OT Threepio.

Yeah, I guess that's true. I've read that Anthony Daniels is bigger now, so the 3PO costume is wider/bigger. Hence, the HT figure looking fatter. I guess I was just happy that they were able to actually have thumbs on their version.
Sounds like you're about to go on a binge. Which dozen are you considering? There are soooo many to choose from.