Broke and happy
Also hate side looking eyes but I guess it helps them by making bootlegs difficult to make.
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Yeah I don't mind it for some figures, to convey a look of suspicion or distrust, but it seems like a really odd choice for Snowspeeder Luke.
People don't seem to be comprehending the elephant in the room.
The massive issue is that this is now the FIFTH Luke that HT has used the same facesculpt for: Luke Jedi V.1, Luke Jedi V.2 (eyes sideways, windy hair,) Luke Endor toothy (same sculpt, mouth insert added,) Luke Bespin proto (different hair,) Luke Snowsp proto (V.2, inside helmet.)
Coupled with now the THIRD Leia release using the same sculpt (just different hair inserts, and I'm sure we haven't seen the last of that sculpt) this to me is now definitely a "budget cut" or demotion for the SW brand by HT. HT has for years been known for double dips and re-releases, but I can't think of a MAJOR franchise character that has so much re-use of the same sculpt.
Oh believe me, I will not be happy at all about the reuse. Especially since they're different movies and looks. I already have DX07, so would probably pass on a Bespin Luke, but would absolutely pass if it's the same sculpt. The only reason I would be slightly OK with this one is the helmet. But yeah I'm not really happy with what they're doing. Leia has bugged me for a bit, but I skipped the Bespin look release. Is there even other Leias they would do? Yavin? Ewok? Both would actually do well with a smiling sculpt.
Slave Leia (or whatever they would call that release today) would be a massive seller - even if the seamless body would freak me out, and many would still claim its blacklisted (or badlisted whatever you call that today.)
The takeaway is that I worry about HT's view of the SW brand now, whether it's been given "second class" status somehow. The ST was really a pretty bad (in some cases disastrous) seller for HT, so I wonder if now that it's over HT is dialing it back on SW generally.
You can understand something like a tweak of the ANH Han sculpt to the smirk head but this dumping release after release with the same sculpt to this degree is troubling. I was even surprised by the Luke Bespin reuse - but this Snowsp one is really a problem.
Star Wars likely is second class to Hot Toys given that their big selling line has been and likely still is the MCU. Though I don?t think their SW line is being treated too poorly given that there are over twenty Star Wars figures up for pre-order right now, many of them from the Mandalorian, which is very popular right now.
The excuse of "OT will always sell" is getting tiring.
Why they haven't made 3PO is beyond me though. Robot + China = $$$.... 3PO + US = $$$$.... it has to be something with the gold paint -- cost or problems chipping or scuffing in shipping. Too much damage risk and replacement costs for them to movie ahead.
I always figured the Solo movie/figure threw a wrench in the Bespin Han plans, where they knew it couldn't compete with the OT. Crazy to think that we have all the main outfits for ESB/ROTJ Luke and Leia, yet no Han for either movie has even been shown.