Yeah, it just seems like a totally bizarre addition to RO - creating an enitire mythology and reality of these "force attuned" sentient crystals that are never seen or heard about ever again. Gone for the whole rest of the OT, including in all of the force-related discussions and training - not a word from Ben, Vader or Yoda.
Just seems funny that people had so many problems with midichlorians - yet the crystal thing has some of the same issues. It may have emanated from early SW drafts so I guess is kinda-canon, but it really doesn't fit into the OT version of the force, just like midichlorians didn't.
It's a bit like the Chirrut guy's "powers" - I didn't get how you can be that "force sensitive" and yet not at all be a Jedi. What's the difference between him and a Jedi exactly other than formal training? Like he has supernatural abilities but not THOSE kind of Jedi supernatural abilities we all know.
I think there's so much goodwill toward RO people are kind of giving a free pass on this stuff.
And I thought that was just a brief deleted ROTJ scene in a cave where Luke finishes the saber and the crystal is just another unnamed part of the saber we see him completing, not really something that calls out the crystal in any way.
I think you are overthinking things rather than people giving it a free pass.
I don't think anyone has a problem with lightsabres being powered by crystals - something powers them and focuses the blade. Is it such a stretch that big ass versions of those crystals, or large enough quantities could also power a super weapon? We don't even know the rest of the mechanics involved in getting the super weapon to work and by the films own admission it's taken nearly 20 years to do so.
A person with the potential to become a Jedi but untrained would be called force sensitive. There's no Jedi left but that doesn't mean those with connections to the force are also gone. So why didn't he become a Jedi, he's old enough I hear you retorting. Maybe, to quote Yoda, "he's too old". Both ESB and TPM made it clear that Jedi were only trained from a young age. Even Anakin was considered too old but Qui Gon defied the council. Perhaps they didn't find Chirrut until he was too old. Rejected from Jedi training he did the next best thing, he became a guardian of a Jedi temple where he studied the force.
Ignoring the original treatment and the old EU, both the Clone Wars and Rebels series (both canon) have dealt with crystals and guardians.