Given the new design a lot of thought. I love the OT armour and always will, but the changes they made for Rogue One go further in selling these guys as armoured grunts that can actually fight. The breastplate is narrower to accomodate weapon-handling, the lenses are maybe a bit more plausible for better vision, the leg armour allows greater mobility...the design is growing on me.
As Talibane mentioned, Hot Toys initially looked *twice removed* from the source material (I think we actually discussed this well before the film came out) -- because the re-design was different enough from the OT, and then their sculpt was just a touch softer than what we saw in RO trailers and stills.
Having seen the film twice, I can separate the variances in my head and so far, the HT Rogue One sculpt looks more accurate to that film, than the ANH sculpt does to its respective movie. When properly futzed, I don't see the RO figures looking overly awkward.
I like 'em both, so far...