The green lenses were flat and on the stunt helmets. The black ones were bubbled and on the hero ones. These are green but they looked a bit bubbled?
Good. Best of both worlds.
The green lenses were flat and on the stunt helmets. The black ones were bubbled and on the hero ones. These are green but they looked a bit bubbled?
They are absolutely fantastic. The only minor complaint is the ankle. I know it is for articulation, but the black showing takes a bit away. I still don't care as I am already in for the 2pk and may a single from HK.
This pose and angle is very Star Wars 1977...
Good height comp here...
Is it possible to stick a Luke head on one of these?
Stormtrooper hack: put white socks on him. Could work.
The parting out has already begun!
holy crap! is that Canadaclone's collection??
The green lenses were flat and on the stunt helmets. The black ones were bubbled and on the hero ones. These are green but they looked a bit bubbled?
The green lenses were flat and on the stunt helmets. The black ones were bubbled and on the hero ones. These are green but they looked a bit bubbled?
Actually, both stunt and hero lenses were green.
And the HT has mixed hero and stunt details on there, but predominantly look like they went with the hero style.
ANH (Stunt)
This is the main Stormtrooper helmet seen in Star Wars - A New Hope. About 50 were made so it's the most common helmet seen on-screen. Since it was the first helmet produced, all the Sandtrooper scenes on Tatooine were Stunt helmets.
Eyes: Stunts had flat green "lens" material, a single acrylic sheet covering both eyes on the inside. Flash is present around the eyes, amount differing between helmets.
ANH (Hero)
Only 6 Hero helmets were manufactured for Star Wars- A New Hope and their higher spec had them set as "Close-Up" helmets. They were used in scenes when the Luke and Han characters masquerade as Stormtroopers, plus some other close-up shots on the Death Star and Tantive IV.
Eyes: Hero's had single double-bubble thick green acrylic lens