Been a hellacious long work day and I'm about to crash, so I'll just address the one point before bed:
I'm absolutely paying a premium just to get this piece a few weeks (months?) early. Not something I generally do, but this time...I've been on a quest for the perfect stormtrooper for two and a half, maybe three years. That's what I meant when I said "after all this time".
That's the reason I own any of the collectibles I do, the reason I'm on this forum, and what led me to hone my modding and customizing skills.
The HT trooper isn't "perfect" ... believe me I should know ...

... but it's almost certainly the best representation in this scale yet, and likely for a long time to come.
This is about as close to a "Grail" for me as it gets, no matter that it's common and will be had for cheaper down the line.
When I saw this thread light up today, there was only going to be one outcome.
I have my tracking number.
G'night all.
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