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Re: Hot Toys - Star Wars: The Last Jedi - Luke Skywalker (Force Projection) - SPECULA

Just thought I'd re-post this for awesomeness !!!

and as a comparison to Vito's screen pic. Not bad at all actually.

Re: Hot Toys - Star Wars: The Last Jedi - Luke Skywalker (Force Projection) - SPECULA

^ It is just so awesome!! :rock Definite buy for me if made! :yess:
Re: Hot Toys - Star Wars: The Last Jedi - Luke Skywalker (Force Projection) - SPECULA

Force Projection Luke was actually a great way of showing us the Jedi Master in his prime without the need for a flashback.
Re: Hot Toys - Star Wars: The Last Jedi - Luke Skywalker (Force Projection) - SPECULA

Force Projection Luke was actually a great way of showing us the Jedi Master in his prime without the need for a flashback.

So... did nobody else see Luke appear in the Not-hoth base and say to themselves... "why does he have a black beard?":slap

I've seen this whole "Luke wanted to physically appear to Kylo in a way that..." (which seems dubious, or perhaps even petty if you buy it) justification. But didn't the choice to blacken Luke's beard, when all previous scenes (except Kylo flashback) showed Luke with a clearly greyed beard, IMMEDIATELY tip off viewers to the fact that something was "off" with Luke, thereby undermining the whole projection reveal?

The only other possible scenario viewers might have considered was that Luke dyed his beard before heading into battle, which is equally strange.

For this reason, the whole "dark hair Luke" decision was really misguided and took me out of it.
Re: Hot Toys - Star Wars: The Last Jedi - Luke Skywalker (Force Projection) - SPECULA

It’s not really a justification on anybody’s part as the intent of the scene and Luke’s appearance has been confirmed by the director.

His beard also looked pretty brown to me both times I saw it, and pretty much identical in the flashbacks. It’s slightly darker than his hair.
Re: Hot Toys - Star Wars: The Last Jedi - Luke Skywalker (Force Projection) - SPECULA

It’s not really a justification on anybody’s part as the intent of the scene and Luke’s appearance has been confirmed by the director.

His beard also looked pretty brown to me both times I saw it, and pretty much identical in the flashbacks. It’s slightly darker than his hair.

Do you mean you didn't notice any difference in Luke's beard color between him on the island and him showing up at the base at the climax of the movie?
Re: Hot Toys - Star Wars: The Last Jedi - Luke Skywalker (Force Projection) - SPECULA

Do you mean you didn't notice any difference in Luke's beard color between him on the island and him showing up at the base at the climax of the movie?

Ahch-To vs. Crait, yes, definitely and obviously. But between the Rashoman flashbacks and Crait, it looked the same to me.
Re: Hot Toys - Star Wars: The Last Jedi - Luke Skywalker (Force Projection) - SPECULA

Also, TaliBane, you are literally the ONLY person I've seen on the internet so far who noticed that the first time AND seems so annoyed by it. I'm sure you're not ALONE, but you seem to be in the minority. I've seen a few more people notice the lack of red marks under his feet. But no one who got all the clues. I don't see why any of this is a problem, anyway. It's SUPPOSED to function that way. You're supposed to, if you notice these things, go "Hey, wait a minute." I mean, subjectively, if that "took you out of it" that's fine. But I, respectfully, think it might be your own personal peccadillo. As mentioned above, Johnson intended for Luke's appearance to maximize Kylo Ren's irritations. So Luke looks younger, heroic, and with the blue lightsaber Ren so covets.
Re: Hot Toys - Star Wars: The Last Jedi - Luke Skywalker (Force Projection) - SPECULA

I mean I definitely was like ... soooo, Luke cleaned himself up to come out to this shindig, and thought that was kinda weird given the urgency of the situation. But I didn’t notice some of the other clues to the fact that he wasn’t really there because I was too busy s******* my pants to see Luke Skywalker out there with his lightsaber. But, I was also wondering how he got ol’ Blue back. I initially thought maybe it was Ben’s saber that we see in the flashbacks, but I knew it looked pretty damn close to Luke’s, and after the big reveal obviously it all made sense. I didn’t pick up on the footprints or the falling salt at first though.
Re: Hot Toys - Star Wars: The Last Jedi - Luke Skywalker (Force Projection) - SPECULA

Also, TaliBane, you are literally the ONLY person I've seen on the internet so far who noticed that the first time AND seems so annoyed by it. I'm sure you're not ALONE, but you seem to be in the minority. I've seen a few more people notice the lack of red marks under his feet. But no one who got all the clues. I don't see why any of this is a problem, anyway. It's SUPPOSED to function that way. You're supposed to, if you notice these things, go "Hey, wait a minute." I mean, subjectively, if that "took you out of it" that's fine. But I, respectfully, think it might be your own personal peccadillo. As mentioned above, Johnson intended for Luke's appearance to maximize Kylo Ren's irritations. So Luke looks younger, heroic, and with the blue lightsaber Ren so covets.

Whether you did the "Just-for-Men double take" regarding Luke's quite different looking appearance or not (it is NOT subtle) the biggest question is... why even do the hair color change? For the abstract idea of "Luke deciding to appear as Kylo would remember him to further p*ss him off"?

For such an abstract idea, why run the risk of potentially spoiling the "he's not really there" surprise?

There are a long list of things about the Not-Hoth Luke scenes that make no sense (foremost being that Luke NEVER TELLS ANYONE that everything he's doing is a ruse to stall for escape time - Poe "just happens" to figure it out in time) but the dyed beard thing is a truly bizarre choice because for no pay off - at all really - it risks people instantly guessing the whole force holo-projector surprise reveal.

I mean I definitely was like ... soooo, Luke cleaned himself up to come out to this shindig, and thought that was kinda weird given the urgency of the situation.

This is exactly what I mean - even for people who liked the whole idea, why run the risk of spoiling the surprise by having people do the "Just-For-Men double take"? At minimum you viewers mulling the thought of Luke standing in front of a mirror with furrowed brow, tugging at his grey beard, mulling a makeover just as hell's about to break loose.

Why not just have him show up looking like he does on Ahk-choo?:dunno
Re: Hot Toys - Star Wars: The Last Jedi - Luke Skywalker (Force Projection) - SPECULA

Whether you did the "Just-for-Men double take" regarding Luke's quite different looking appearance or not (it is NOT subtle) the biggest question is... why even do the hair color change? For the abstract idea of "Luke deciding to appear as Kylo would remember him to further p*ss him off"?

For such an abstract idea, why run the risk of potentially spoiling the "he's not really there" surprise?

There are a long list of things about the Not-Hoth Luke scenes that make no sense (foremost being that Luke NEVER TELLS ANYONE that everything he's doing is a ruse to stall for escape time - Poe "just happens" to figure it out in time) but the dyed beard thing is a truly bizarre choice because for no pay off - at all really - it risks people instantly guessing the whole force holo-projector surprise reveal.

This is exactly what I mean - even for people who liked the whole idea, why run the risk of spoiling the surprise by having people do the "Just-For-Men double take"? At minimum you have the thought of Luke standing in front of a mirror with furrowed brow, tugging at his grey beard mulling a makeover. Why not just have him show up looking like he does on Ahk-choo?:dunno

The purpose of his look isn’t for the audience. And I think we’re supposed to kind of know that something isn’t quite right. Even given the clues, most people didn’t catch onto what was going on.

As far as Poe, I don’t think any competent leader is just going to stand there and wait on the possibility that one man is going to defeat the entire army that’s out there facing them. I didn’t have a problem with that aspect of it. Between the Holdo plot and this, is there a lack of communication that would probably solve some problems? Yeah. But as it is, I don’t take issue with it.

I also think Leia knew something was up when they were talking, as they give each other a look after he “touches” her, as if she knows he’s not really there.
Re: Hot Toys - Star Wars: The Last Jedi - Luke Skywalker (Force Projection) - SPECULA

The purpose of his look isn’t for the audience. And I think we’re supposed to kind of know that something isn’t quite right. Even given the clues, most people didn’t catch onto what was going on.

As far as Poe, I don’t think any competent leader is just going to stand there and wait on the possibility that one man is going to defeat the entire army that’s out there facing them. I didn’t have a problem with that aspect of it. Between the Holdo plot and this, is there a lack of communication that would probably solve some problems? Yeah. But as it is, I don’t take issue with it.

I also think Leia knew something was up when they were talking, as they give each other a look after he “touches” her, as if she knows he’s not really there.

But... if she knew he wasn't really there (thereby knowing it was a ruse,) why didn't she lead everyone out to escape as soon as Luke goes out there?

I'm more focused on what was actually presented onscreen. Luke suddenly showing up with a black beard I guess vaguely sets up "something isn't quite right" (more about confusion than "oh cool..." though right?) but in practice all it did was make people who are paying attention go "huh... why on earth would he dye his beard black?"

My point still stands - there was no good reason for Luke to have his beard be black, so they simply shouldn't have done it. It was a strange choice - as was not having Luke at least say to Leia - "there's something I want you to do..." (or "there's something you must know...") then cut out - ie. we now know Luke has a plan, we just don't know what it is, and realize in retrospect that it was the ruse/escape thing.
Re: Hot Toys - Star Wars: The Last Jedi - Luke Skywalker (Force Projection) - SPECULA

But... if she knew he wasn't really there (thereby knowing it was a ruse,) why didn't she lead everyone out to escape as soon as Luke goes out there?

I'm more focused on what was actually presented onscreen. Luke suddenly showing up with a black beard I guess vaguely sets up "something isn't quite right" (more about confusion than "oh cool..." though right?) but in practice all it did was make people who are paying attention go "huh... why on earth would he dye his beard black?"

My point still stands - there was no good reason for Luke to have his beard be black, so they simply shouldn't have done it. It was a strange choice - as was not having Luke at least say to Leia - "there's something I want you to do..." (or "there's something you must know...") then cut out - ie. we now know Luke has a plan, we just don't know what it is, and realize in retrospect that it was the ruse/escape thing.

The reasoning for Luke’s appearance, beard and all, has been explained. I guess whether or not or how much that works for you is up to you. But it’s brown, either way lol.
Re: Hot Toys - Star Wars: The Last Jedi - Luke Skywalker (Force Projection) - SPECULA

The reasoning for Luke’s appearance, beard and all, has been explained. I guess whether or not or how much that works for you is up to you. But it’s brown, either way lol.

"Explained"... 'nuff said.:lol
Re: Hot Toys - Star Wars: The Last Jedi - Luke Skywalker (Force Projection) - SPECULA

"Explained"... 'nuff said.:lol

I mean ... I knew the reasoning, and posted such, prior to Rian Johnson offering his public affirmation. I didn’t think it was that complex of an idea.

Additionally, everyone in the base is initially operating under the assumption that there is no way out, as 3PO states. They’re still operating under that assumption until Luke shows up and, as far as Poe is concerned, finds an alternative way into the base, which further leads him to trying to escape.
Hot Toys - Star Wars: The Last Jedi - Luke Skywalker (Force Projection) - SPECULATION

I knew something was up when I saw the saber. And maybe the hair cut/color gave me a hint that something was up too, but I think it was more when I noticed the saber that it explained the different look. I’m not sure what Johnson wanted though. On first viewing did he want fans to be surprised when they & Kylo realize he’s not there?

I agree with Tali about Luke saying nothing to Leia. It can still be done in a way that excludes the audience from the surprise, but at least shows that Luke is clueing them in to his plan.
Re: Hot Toys - Star Wars: The Last Jedi - Luke Skywalker (Force Projection) - SPECULA

I mean ... I knew the reasoning, and posted such, prior to Rian Johnson offering his public affirmation. I didn’t think it was that complex of an idea.

Additionally, everyone in the base is initially operating under the assumption that there is no way out, as 3PO states. They’re still operating under that assumption until Luke shows up and, as far as Poe is concerned, finds an alternative way into the base, which further leads him to trying to escape.

Now that... is NOT confusing.:lol

They're sealed inside this bunker, no way out. Then Luke... randomly - somehow - shows up from nowhere. And then Poe - or someone there - is supposed to (without even a hint) realize that Luke has arrived solely as a distraction so they can escape... from a place they believe has no escape route.

You know - Luke suddenly showing up with a black beard with no hint of an explanation is really pretty minor when you consider the wider context of the Battle of Not-Hoth sequence.
Re: Hot Toys - Star Wars: The Last Jedi - Luke Skywalker (Force Projection) - SPECULA

I don’t know what to tell you. I don’t find it as troubling as you obviously do. To each their own.
Re: Hot Toys - Star Wars: The Last Jedi - Luke Skywalker (Force Projection) - SPECULA

Now that... is NOT confusing.:lol

They're sealed inside this bunker, no way out. Then Luke... randomly - somehow - shows up from nowhere. And then Poe - or someone there - is supposed to (without even a hint) realize that Luke has arrived solely as a distraction so they can escape... from a place they believe has no escape route.

You know - Luke suddenly showing up with a black beard with no hint of an explanation is really pretty minor when you consider the wider context of the Battle of Not-Hoth sequence.

C'mon it's just a movie. People all obsessed with these details about things making sense.:dunno:slap
Re: Hot Toys - Star Wars: The Last Jedi - Luke Skywalker (Force Projection) - SPECULA

As he walked on screen, I immediately noticed Luke’s look wasn’t right. I thought for sure it was a vision Leia was having, until he handed her the dice; that threw me off. I thought, “This is odd...” I was having trouble suspending my disbelief with Luke looking like this, but decided I’d already been on this Rian ride and there was no turning back.
As he walked out onto the salt flats, I hoped Kylo would come down to duel. But when he said he wanted every gun to fire on Luke, I thought, “No way he’d go out like this.” When they fired is when I thought he wasn’t actually there. When he still stood there afterward, I knew some Jedi trickery was afoot.

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