I really don't feel this helmet looks better than the ANH ones at all. It's true that they're not accurate enough, but the ANH helmet still looks really good. The proportions on this new one are so glaring to me, I simply can't stop seeing the huge gap between the top of the mouth/grille and the eyes. Not to mention the mouth/grille has sharp edges to the sides of the mouth while the actual helmet had rounded edges and looked as if the grille was a different piece the was set into the helmet.
I do feel like I'm beating a dead horse here, but I genuinely don't understand going through the trouble of making new ROTJ style body armor and then seemingly just making up the helmet details as you go.
For all their faults the ANH trooper and sandie look amazing. This guy drives me up a wall.
Look how short the gap is between the top of the mouth and the eyes here:
So has everyone got "Sith Trooper" on their display base ? I've seen a lot so far with Sith Trooper and mine included, but any with standard "Stormtrooper" or whatever it should say ?
I don't have any feedback from my HK seller. But has anyone had their display shield exchanged ?
So has everyone got "Sith Trooper" on their display base ? I've seen a lot so far with Sith Trooper and mine included, but any with standard "Stormtrooper" or whatever it should say ?
I don't have any feedback from my HK seller. But has anyone had their display shield exchanged ?
Mine came from an HK seller and had the correct name plate. It simply says "Stormtrooper".
Personally I take off the name placards on my Star Wars display stands anyways.
Received the correct "Stormtrooper" version from Alter Ego.
I got the correct one on mine, from HK.
By now we must understand that HT will never make a truly accurate Stormtrooper helmet. Maybe they don't care, maybe they don't know how, maybe they are not allowed, who knows. But we get these idealized figures and that is it. And trust me, I'm big on accuracy, but not that much on 1/6 anymore.
The new one isn't even idealized though, I'm not sure what it is, but it's not idealized.