OK but no. A low edition product based off something unpopular can sell.
To you, not to everyone.
But you can't just make things based off unsuccessful properties. You just can't.
Gentle Giant did, Sideshow did, and Hot Toys did.
You don't seem to understand that these licenses cost money. Sucker Punch wasn't free. And making the figures isn't free either.
Spend money to make money
They've already spent money to obtain the license, if they don't continue to use it they're not gonna earn from it.
There might be a fan base, but since the movie is almost universally hated, critically panned, and flopped, why would you want to make products for that? There's no logic.
1. There is, otherwise people wouldn't have bought GG, order the PF or bought the HT figures or started this thread wondering where the other figures are.
2. That's your
opinion this, like many movies has lots of fans, Just because it didn't make a billion dollars doesn't make it unprofittable for collectibles, GG has proved that.
Now, you brought up the idea of testing the waters. Testing the waters is a gamble. Especially for a company that also caters to another country.
Sideshow Gambled, GG gambled, ThreeA has take a gamble on Real Steel. Enterbay takes gambles on NBA and MIB. Hot Toy caters to more customers than many of those so it's not as big of a risk undertaking as those.
If a company sticks to the same sames over and over it becomes predictable & boring. Profitable for a good while perhaps but probably not longterm as those customers who buy those same predictable products will eventaully grow bored & leave as they already have those products.
I'm not saying they'll be a hit or a flop
i can't possibly know that. I'm simply saying there's a good chance of making a respectable profit in making more but not if they don't.
it's a calculated risk, and if all these other companies can take that risk on this and other projects then why not Hot toys.
You my friend are speaking definitively that the figures WILL with absolute certainty fail to reap a profit, when in reailty you can't know if they will or not, you're just guessing that because you personally are not a fan of them.
You may not like it but there IS interest AND customers... THAT'S A FACT.
Just because i'm a fan doesn't make my points any less rational. This license has proved profitable with one high-end collectible company and is held by at least three currently, if it is unpopular as you state that wouldn't be so.
Sometimes logic and risk can make babies though. Case in point: The Resident Evil video game masterpiece series. It was a risk making those first few figures, but the odds were in their favor after they established solid ground.
They've taken a risk on every original franchise, whether big or small.
They never knew if Predator would become a huge line when they made their first ever figure as they had no precedence as a guide, so they took a chance and made it pay off for them