devastator's balls
Super Freak
He is wearing a long coat
i'll upload some medium quality pics soon (from the movie companion book)
Cool thanks man! I'd been wanting to see some more full-body pics of this guy. :chew
He is wearing a long coat
i'll upload some medium quality pics soon (from the movie companion book)
Just came to this thread, saw the pic of the T-600 in a trechcoat. Has anyone made a custom of this yet?
sorry for the quality, if i ever get my scanner going i will get some higher quality scans
His mask
Dude. That pic is tempting me to find another rubber skin T-600 for cheap and make it look just like that. OMG that's so awesome. I would have loved to see that one in action instead of the one that fought Marcus and Kyle.
Dude. That pic is tempting me to find another rubber skin T-600 for cheap and make it look just like that. OMG that's so awesome. I would have loved to see that one in action instead of the one that fought Marcus and Kyle.
well hot toys did kind of do this version
its one of the concepts or exclusives (I don't know too many T-600's)
but thats the mask you want, not sure if you'll get it as a loose
Oh I have that already.
I'm talking more about the trench and the rest of the clothing. It looks so bad@$$ in a trench. I really wanna do that and maybe mod the regular mask to look more like the film version.
But hey bro. If you can get a scanned version of that page I would totally appreciate it. I would like to see that 600 in detail.
I have the concpet version to, it's gonna be needing a trenchcoat though!