Super Freak
Prequels/Sequels always do that.
Well as technology advances everything gets smaller. It took a lot of resources to build those HUGE machines and they may not have worked that well so time to make them smaller and better.
But hey.. that new trailer was more enjoyable to me than most of T3.. so i'm just taking whatever i can get!
The thing that pisses me off is that we fans spent that last 25 yrs imagining the future would look and feel exactly how Reese and Sarah described and how Cameron (and even Mostow) showed in the battle scenes. But now the writers of TS have pissed all over that and re-written it therby making everything we believed in and loved FOR 25 YRS redundant.that "future isnt what my mother warned me about" line is the biggest load of cop out crap. just trying to cover their own *****
Hey, everyone needs to get laid - it's the only thing in life that matters. Sex rules and makes the world go round, not money. Everyone wants to be rich and have money yes, but whats the first thing people buy? HOOKERS or clothes, a big house or car and beauty treatments to get some ass. If two men are having a serious fight and a sexy naked woman suddenly appears then she becomes the centre of attention, not the fight - Man's primal instinct is to mate, nothing more. So yes, we all need to get laid...of course some more than, some of you guys really need to go out and get laid or something.
anyone know of the website called razors or something? they're supposed to have good prices can anyone post a link for me? Thanks.
Razor's Edge are fantastic. I ordered from them a lot and Mike, the owner, was great all the time. In fact I have a pre-order at them as we speak.![]()