Hello i got a question.
i got hot toy two face but the stand (that thing between his legs) is broken, can i buy
just a cheap stand and add that thing on the two face base?
Ouch, Aryan.Sorry for your loss?
that's what she said?
but yes, you can change it out easily
you can change it out easily
that's what she said
Hi dear i all holewones are looks like the real . So scary. But i like all.
Looks like a custom sculpt and either a custom shirt or customized original shirt. Possibly non stock pants also but it's a little hard to tell. Looks nice, though.
Jacket looked a little bulky to me but that one picture he had wasn't detailed enough. Asking for more photos.
Its almost a guarantee that HT will make a 2.0 of this next year, or in the near future.
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I need your all's opinion. Does this seem like the legit Hot Toys Two Face or a custom? It looks like the actual Hot Toys and if it is, he sold it for $320 BIN on eBay and I got a heck of bargain. Thoughts?