Hot Toys - TDK - TWO-FACE / Harvey Dent PHOTO Thread

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"You thought we could be decent men in an indecent time!" Got him in today. Love it!




Wonder when 2.0 comes out
Hope so but I doubt it people as they might be able to get away with reusing the joker sculpt. This thing is way worse then that so although they can tailor a new suit, the sculpt will require work and I am not sure if they are will to do that and get the actors buy in all that stuff
We already had too much HT Joker. I think it's time for HT to re-release this. HT should also milk the Dark Knight trilogy, like what they are doing now with Iron Man.

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Hot toys already milks the dark knight trilogy, granted not nearly to the same extent as they do iron man, but one could easily have a large collection exclusively made up of HT Noland batman figures. Not to mention Keaton, West, and Arkham city characters.

I think HT will slow down to a crawl with the Nolan figures after BvsS is released, but that's still well over a year away. I hope we get a two face 2.0 and a DX batman begins before that happens. I would buy a ducard but the only figure I really want is a improved two face. I sold my HT two face a while back and I have no interest in buying that particular figure again. HT paint and tailoring has improved immensely since the first two face, and I think they could easily make a 2.0 happen with minimal resculpting. IDE prefer they skip an improved unburned Harvey sculpt, and focus 100% on two-face.
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I agree with you, but what I mean is HT is not milking TDK trilogy enough like they milk IM. It feels like whenever I see news that a new HT Iron Man will be release, always make me puke.

I only started collecting HT 2 years ago, so I missed a few figures of TDK and I had to buy some older ones from predator and Terminator.

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Really, the world could live without another Hot Toys Iron Man or Nolan Batman figure.
The Nolan ship will sail now that Hot a toys is doing a Star Wars...and also batman vs superman is in the horizon.

Oh I don't know about that BvS is still 2 years away and that is the only DC movie set to come out until I suspect that they will continue to produce these figures until then . And keep in mind that the latest we might see a figure from that movie is in late 2016 or early 2017. They have to give us something to hold us over. They have yet to release the clear bat armory and this current armory was a surprise reveal. I am guessing that that after the BAT they will release all the vehicles in that same scale .
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