So is Joe sending them out now, I've not heard anything from him
I want to darken the collar of my shirt and im going to do the paint and water idea that some have used by dirtying up water and then applying it to the shirt in small amounts but the only paint ive found is a water based paint. would this work and if not what paint should I use or is their even a better technique??? thanks
Yes you can use acryl to do that! FIrst you have to wet the collar and a part of a shirt and then add some collor dilued in water! I don't knwo if it's clear! My english is not that good!
Also i repainted mine and did a custom suit! I used burnt amber and then repainted it!
Yes you can use acryl to do that! FIrst you have to wet the collar and a part of a shirt and then add some collor dilued in water! I don't knwo if it's clear! My english is not that good!
Also i repainted mine and did a custom suit! I used burnt amber and then repainted it!
I know. Great isnt it!