Super Freak
Those pics are from zeelhar.. talk to him about fixing his camera date. lol.
great pics vodoun
well I like him have very little complants with him i think its mostly because he wasn't very present in the movie I think was a mistake but who am I in the comic two face is a very real threat to batman being they where good friends the movie hinted to that but the joker just stole the show
The figure is honestly really good but the quality is really lacking in my opinion. The Aaron Eckhart head is a little weak in the likeness department Unlike some, I don't have a big problem with the sculpt of the damaged face, however I will admit that these heads just seem cheap. They are like, soft hollow vinyl. They almost seem as if they are knock offs. the painting on his hair seems a little unrealistic. Overall I like it as much as my TDK batman which is a lot but I really do think its flawed too.
IMO the two best by far are the original costume batman and Bank Robber Joker. But in the grand sheme of things its still better than 80% of the 1/6 scale figures on the market which in my opinion never really have started to reach their full potential until maybe starting in late 2007.
For custom folks, here's a shot of the actual Two-Face suit from TDK.
I don't mind the look of the full damaged side on the HT figure, but for posing and all, probably would be much better if it was more minimal like the actual burns.
They really should have put the extra effort into adding an extra shirt though.
It is kinda funny that Mattel's Two-face is actually more accurate than Hot Toys (though the tie is the wrong colors, I expect that will be fixed by production though)
Pretty cool to see the full think now. I wouldn't say Hot Toy's version is bad at all. The actual burning is less, but the stains are pretty much the same areas that Hot Toys rubberized. Not a bad compromise. They really should have put the extra effort into adding an extra shirt though. I can't believe how well the tie came out of all of thatThe tie looks perfectly fine!
It is kinda funny that Mattel's Two-face is actually more accurate than Hot Toys (though the tie is the wrong colors, I expect that will be fixed by production)
I think most of the shirt is staining from the gas, not so much burning, but it is strange to char the shirt collar and jacket but not one bit of the tie.