Super Freak
Elvis, that looks awesome
Yes you can use acryl to do that! FIrst you have to wet the collar and a part of a shirt and then add some collor dilued in water! I don't knwo if it's clear! My english is not that good!
Also i repainted mine and did a custom suit! I used burnt amber and then repainted it!
Can't say I like the "skin technology". To me it looks cheap... but in my eyes the Two Face head is just flawless. Perfect likeness and detail. Theres no need whatsoever to alter this in any way, its just a good way to ruin a 200 dollar figure's head.
the Eckhart likeness on the fll Harvey face IMO is a little off. Its just weak. You can tell its him but its not as convincing as the half face. There's just something not right. Its one of the worst likenesses in the line.
As for the "cheap" look of the new skin, I'll agree that under some lighting conditions, it looks less realistic than how the Wayne heads were done. Those catch light in a very realistic way pretty much in any condition but this new style can have a strong plastic look to the way light falls on it depending on the lighting conditions.
That's probably the "waxy" look I referred to several pages back. I have a feeling this will be a matter of seeing it in person before passing final judgment on the new skin technology.
This one really illustratest the versatility of the sculpt. While it's stern expression, camera angle and lighting can really change how it comes off, he looks ready to explode in anger on someone here, this is the most pissed off I've seen this figure look and it's fantastic.
Indeed, this is the full image in my avatar, it does have a psychotic feel to it, but not the same burning intensity. The shadows in Zeelhar's image really convey a stressing of the sking on both sides of the face as if all the muscles are tensing with his restraint of his rage.
One thing I love in TDK is how the scarred side, even though mimicking the clean side's antomical movements, always looked a different emotion than the clean side, even just staring, the Harvey side would look pretty calm where the burnt side would have an almost burning anger to it, great work by the CGI team on Two-Face.
c i wish my pics turn out that good
Two-Face: Even though I hate you Bats.. I gotta say, we're looking pretty good.
Batman: Yeah. I mean, well.. well you know.
Two-Face: Yeah I know half my face is gone..
Batman: Well.. yeah.. I um.. I didn't want to..
Two-Face: It's obvious. No need to keep bringing it up..
Batman: Well I didn't want to SAY it though.
Two-Face: It's cool..
Batman: But yeah, we're looking preeeeety good..
V.1 Joker - HEY GUYS!!!
Two-Face: ugh.. who invited HIM?