Hot Toys TDKR: 1/4th scale Batman [QS001] - Full Reveal & Specs

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Does the BW sculpt really need to be tweaked? It looks fine to me.

Yeah i think the complete version will make an appearance @ Ani-com followed by its release in HK.If that's the schedule then we should have this bad boy by mid to late August!I can't wait!!^_^
Does the BW sculpt really need to be tweaked? It looks fine to me.



That is what I have always thought I guess it is not dead on but I can tell it is Bale. I never understood why so many people hate this sculpt. At least it is better than the DX12 Bale sculpt, not sure if it is the eyes but overall that one just looks horrible IMO! :yuck
I don't think this beats the EB bats for headsculpt overall though. Close. But not quite as good.

Overall figure and package though beats the EB from what I see so far

Im not so sure the headsculpt does either but its such a win on HT part for getting it so close that people aren't really arguing if its Bale. Truth be told, this is the first time they can say they've done that. Better late than never.

That is what I have always thought I guess it is not dead on but I can tell it is Bale. I never understood why so many people hate this sculpt. At least it is better than the DX12 Bale sculpt, not sure if it is the eyes but overall that one just looks horrible IMO! :yuck


I just don't see what's wrong with it. Yeah, it's waayy better then the DX 12 sculpt.

I just don't see what's wrong with it. Yeah, it's waayy better then the DX 12 sculpt.

Not in my eyes. I like the DX12 Bruce much better.

As far as Enterbay, the cowl sculpts and this 1/4 cowls are just about as close as you can get to Bale. Both are amazing. But also need to see the final 1/4 HTs in person. The overall EB figure itself was a let down for me. I plan to sell it. The HTs 1/4 atleast in pix looks far more impressive and took into consideration the entire presence of the figure. Just feels more like the Trilogy whereas EB to me feels like its just a big batman figure.
I am so getting this and impressed to a point that I am tempted to drop part of my 1/6 collection to focus on more 1/4 goodies..... maybe keep a few 1/6 to go with vehicles and dios and maybe a few multi-figure-interactive setups....
Yeah I'm probably going to sell off my partial Avengers figures and most of my Marvel stuff. Considered selling some bats (I have 6 Nolan Bats atm)... but nah.

I just don't see what's wrong with it. Yeah, it's waayy better then the DX 12 sculpt.

I don't know what it is, maybe it is not the sculpt but the eyes, it just looks weird. I have never seen a human being look like that. He looks like an alien or something.

Not in my eyes. I like the DX12 Bruce much better.

I guess everyone is entitled to their opinion, I just don't see what you see.

DX12 Wayne is way better.

Not saying you are wrong but how is it better?

I am so getting this and impressed to a point that I am tempted to drop part of my 1/6 collection to focus on more 1/4 goodies..... maybe keep a few 1/6 to go with vehicles and dios and maybe a few multi-figure-interactive setups....

Yeah same here, 1/4 scale figures are just more impressive to look at IMO.

I hated the DX12 the moment I took it out of the box, so I sold it 3 days later. I was hoping to get the Hathaway Catwoman instead but it didn't turn out well either (doesn't look like the prototype), now I don't have a single TDKR figure in my collection.

I also made the mistake of selling my DX02 and Medicom TDK Bats BEFORE I opened my DX12 (I thought it's a good replacement for the earlier two figures) so I now don't have a single Batman figure on my shelf.

That's why I'm happy with the QS001's improvements, it'll replace the 3 figures I've lost. Problem is, it's now too late to PO this? I'm saying it's late because HT released the proto pix around July 2012 and pre-ordering is usually only available around the same time as the prototype reveal.
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