Super Freak
So have any sellers got shipping dates yet..?
I think someone said mid-august for overseas if I'm not mistaken.
So have any sellers got shipping dates yet..?
I think someone said mid-august for overseas if I'm not mistaken.
OK, but that happens with all figures so I never expected the paint to look like the proto. The final DX12 Wayne doesn't look good in any of the photos I've seen (even OMG's). In hand it doesn't look any better. I was disappointed with it.
Has anyone repainted it? I haven't come across any...
OK, but that happens with all figures so I never expected the paint to look like the proto. The final DX12 Wayne doesn't look good in any of the photos I've seen (even OMG's). In hand it doesn't look any better. I was disappointed with it.
Has anyone repainted it? I haven't come across any...
Why would Hot Toys revise a sculpt to look worse?
But when a sculpt is not revised, the production piece never looks as good as the prototype. The paint apps will never be as good, and a secondary reason is there will be some degree of "softening" to the sculpt from being cast. Some heads show more of this softening than others. Perhaps that's the case with the DX12 and that's what you're seeing.
For me personally, the DX12 has, far and away, the best production BW head-sculpt to date (do you remember HT past attempts?). And I even like it better than the custom one.
IMO that is the main reason, it looks different because like you said some degree of softening. That is a more plausible explanation than saying it is paint applications.
Yeah I agree Adam's one is not very good except on certain angles but that is not the issue here. The issue is why does the final product DX12 Bale sculpt look so different to the prototype pics? I think you have answered it and that is that the sculpt gets soften or deformed during the conversion of the resin prototype to PVC mass produced sculpt.
I'm glad finally I'm not the only one who see big differences between the DX12 Bruce Wayne proto and final product.![]()
I'm with you mag, dx12's Bruce sculpt is fantastic. Sure the final paint app doesn't have the inner reflection/turmoil look from the proto, instead he looks troubled...the pissed off kind. However, it's still a kicka$$ bale/Bruce sculpt.
So back to QS001!!
He's pissed that I cancelled the HT
Why did you cancel? Too much stuff your plate? IMO this is a must have figure but there are lot of things coming out that are a must have to. So for me it all comes down to a choice and sometimes you can't have everything you want because there is just too much great stuff to get.![]()
Can someone more talented than me post the old proto pic and new SDCC pics side by side? If this has already been done please direct me to the page number. Thanks.
The left side of my signature holds the answer to your question.![]()
Of course you are not the only one, if you were there wouldn't have been have posters on Hot Toys face book saying wanted dead or alive for the proto sculpt. I just think it looks so dam obvious but like I said I am not trying to debate about this and say I am right it just looks totally different IMO and I can't see how paint applications could make such a major difference. Nevertheless, although I think it is unlikely I still believe it is possible that paint applications could make such a difference.
Agreed. So Brook have you preordered yours?
In banes voice- OF CAWRSE! I'm getting 2!
I would love to get two but feel I could spend the money on something else that I need as there is so much stuff coming out like Avengers Hulk and maybe the Batmobile. Decisions decisions.
Congrats on getting two though, what display options are you thinking of? Would you display the Bale sculpt as it is or would you want it changed like most people on here do?
Well I'm gonna keep one MIB and display the other one. Just standing there, all bada$$, no need to equip anything.
As for the Bruce sculpt, I already like the proto. and if its revised, even better. The ONLY thing I would want changed are the tear ducts. They're a bit too prominent for my liking. But maybe that's just the paint.