If you go back in read what you said, you were the one saying the proto pic I showed is not the proto and is what we all own. That sounds condescending to me as I got the impression you wanted all of us to take your word for it and that was that. As far as being passionate about the issue I am not, as I think it is a complete waste of time but just saw where the other people were coming from and you kept wanting me and others to explain why it is different and you wanted to know why we wouldn't accept your explanations that it was not different at and all due to the lighting. I was trying to change the subject and only tried to reply to post where people were talking about the 1/4 scale figure but you insisted to go on about this. So no offense but I think you are the one that is the most passionate about this, not me...
Of course it wasn't but you were saying the proto pics were of the final product, which is your explanation to what we own is the same sculpt as the sculpt in the pic I showed. That was the problem.
That was an honest mistake on my part. I truthfully though that "ON.CC" pic was a shot of the production piece. I have admitted the mistake.
Finally, you actually see a difference before you saw no difference and was trying to convince everyone that there was no difference at all.
I make only one or two posts saying that was the production piece (again, an honest mistake). My last few posts are made from a different perspective, not pursuing that argument at all.
It's actually an illogical explanation, because that would mean all the promo pics of the proto would all have len's distortion as well wouldn't it?
Regarding my speculation about lens distortion:
Here's the photo in question:

Here's a couple more shots of the prototype (screen caps right from Sideshowtoy.com):

I realize the angle is not identical (these are the closest I saw), but the face does look fuller to me in these. So I don't know, lens distortion (stretching) is a possibility with the ON.CC pic. It could also be related to the fact that the ON.CC pic is so flooded with light. There is almost a complete absence of shadowing on the sculpt.
Regardless, I think it is the use of phrases like "different sculpt" that really sticks in my craw. It just seems misleading and hyperbolic to me.

When I look at these, I see better paint/photography/lighting on the left, and I see some softening, but very little else. There may be some slight settling, or whatever, that makes the final product look a tiny bit wider from straight on, but they are what I would call the same sculpt. And they both are very clearly Christian Bale.
What would I use the term "different sculpt" to describe?

Anyway, I apologize for coming off as condescending. That was not my intent. Clearly, we just have different opinions, and I am more forgiving when it comes to the proto to production transformation. I'm happy to agree to disagree.
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