****, no pics at STGCC of this baby?
****, no pics at STGCC of this baby?
I honestly don't know why people are worrying. Figures always look terrible when on display at these conventions. They are never posed properly - it looks like this figure is literally picked up from one convention and plonked down at the next as he is always in the very same pose just a little bit worse each time.
The capers terrible we know that but the cowl looks like a massive improv,net over the mess of the DX12 and the faceplates we can see look fantastic. We know the suit is perfect as it is just the DX12 but bigger.
Just think when you have this in hand and you can pose it how want it - the talented people on these boards can make these figures look fantastic just by simply futzing them.
Probably more Iron Man fans more than anything because, you know, Asians.
What do you mean by that?
Nothing racist against Asians. It just seems that Iron Man and robots in general are more popular in Asia.
Nothing racist against Asians. It just seems that Iron Man and robots in general are more popular in Asia.
Probably more Iron Man fans more than anything because, you know, Asians.
LoL you sure are barking up the wrong tree. I don't know if this will be an enlightening revelation for you, but Howard Chan isn't an Italian name.
Well back on topic, these pics are making me a little scared but I am pretty confident its the lighting. Hoping to see a lot more pics throughout today.
Don't worry buddy, it's the picture and the lighting.. not the figure.
Are they still using the separate boots type like the DX12?