Took a quick (and crappy) tablet photo for you, buddy! I hope it's good enough though
that cowl looks good. did you do tony mei's "face in cowl" mod?
What's the tony meis face in cowl mod?
Yes! I did just about every mod discussed in the QS001 thread. The mouth piece is probably placed deeper into the cowl than it really is in the films, but to me it looks a hell of a lot more realistic the way I have it. This figure is just about perfect to me now.
I just used an exacto blade on mine. Worked fine for me! I removed the fat suit and the piece of foam that the figure had on the abs. I then cut the foam part in half and stuck the halves on his hips to take care of the tiny waistline the figure gets. I also added a wad of electrical tape to widen the hips a bit more...enough so that the utility belt *just* closes around his waist. Unfortunately i did not take pics.
have you posted pics with the result in the mod topic? if not, could you please show us?
and also, you think your mods contributed for narrowing the shoulders?
sorry for all the questions, it's just i've spent some serious cash on this guy and and want to gather as much information as i can beforre cutting it up.
thanks, man.
Only just discovered the handle on the sticky bomb gun extends.
Do u mean the two gold bars in between the back of the gun and start of the gun extend?
No the actual handle that goes in his hand - the trigger handle thing. It extends.
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Well, in the most recent interview with Howard Chan, he said that they should be announcing their next 1/4 scale figure very soon.