is this guy's boots removable? seems really stuck on there.
I've also noticed there is a tiny gap between his upper lip and nose on both cowls when looked at from the profile. Easier to see with light behind it. is this normal?
It retailed for $464.99 from Sideshow Website. Displayed/used go for around $450 on Ebay, and New/Sealed figures go for more. I was doing some research on it's price recently, since I was planning on selling/trading an extra one I have sealed in Box, that I never got around to returning back to Sideshow along time ago, when my exclusive waitlist converted.
I used to hate the gauntlet -> glove transition, but it looks MUCH better when you cut the cuffs... I feel like the gauntlets and cuffs were meant to be this way. I don't know why HT has to cheap out on us and not include an extra set of cuff-less hands.