Hot Toys TDKR: 1/4th scale Batman [QS001] - Full Reveal & Specs

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Im hoping that since this is their first 1/4 attempt on it, they'll make use of the time to resculpt it.

If it stays as is, I'll just wait for EB's version.

Is it really that much to ask - 4 attempts in and HT still no closer to giving us that definitive panther look

Nope, and, honestly, that's why I'm praying that they fix this. It has so much potential. The suit, the accessories; if HT stepped up to the plate, and fixed these things, this could be a grail for a lot of folks. Why wait for EB to **** on your parade? FIX IT, HT!
Nope, and, honestly, that's why I'm praying that they fix this. It has so much potential. The suit, the accessories; if HT stepped up to the plate, and fixed these things, this could be a grail for a lot of folks. Why wait for EB to **** on your parade? FIX IT, HT!

Oh, they'll most likely fix it....on the 2.0 version. :horror
Oh, they'll most likely fix it....on the 2.0 version. :horror

:lol As bad as it sounds, it's actually the more profitable move for HT at this point.

Release a better version later on, and tease it when EB releases theirs.

A lot of (read "not all") Batman fanboys are gonna buy both. Revenues x2
:lol As bad as it sounds, it's actually the more profitable move for HT at this point.

Release a better version later on, and tease it when EB releases theirs.

A lot of (read "not all") Batman fanboys are gonna buy both. Revenues x2


Yet people complain when some of us point out the flaws in the figures, only to praise HT when they revisit said figure later, improving on some of the things pointed out by the 'nitpickers'

I still don't complain. Until someone else comes along and makes something better (EB OC for example) there's no reason to continue beating that poor old dead horse.

No offense but some of you want real walking talking toys to play with. Ain't gonna happen. Insatiablity is a pointless state to be in.

Yet people complain when some of us point out the flaws in the figures, only to praise HT when they revisit said figure later, improving on some of the things pointed out by the 'nitpickers'



I still don't complain. Until someone else comes along and makes something better (EB OC for example) there's no reason to continue beating that poor old dead horse.

No offense but some of you want real walking talking toys to play with. Ain't gonna happen. Insatiablity is a pointless state to be in.

But for $600 I would like an accurate laser/digital/3D scanned cowl/mouth/chin/cheeks. :tap

So, how's Canada doing today :lol
Sorry but I have to say that if it needs modding its not accurate. We got really lucky that it was moddable and how ppl here saw the potential and put in effort to highlight the flaws and provide the solutions to make it what it is. Imagine ifthe medi cowl was hard plastic and no way to widen it

Sorry but I have to say that if it needs modding its not accurate. We got really lucky that it was moddable and how ppl here saw the potential and put in effort to highlight the flaws and provide the solutions to make it what it is. Imagine ifthe medi cowl was hard plastic and no way to widen it

Yeah not denying it needs modding. But they had the sense to use a cowl scan. Also, had they used hard plastic I would argue that the thin head phenomenon would never have happened. Their prototype was the perfect width, it just collapsed in on itself DUE to the fact that they cast it hollow

But regardless, this 1/4 HT Batman is an easy pass for me until/unless they improve that cowl and likeness
No offense but some of you want real walking talking toys to play with. Ain't gonna happen. Insatiablity is a pointless state to be in.

Heh, it's uncanny isn't it. :D

I saw a few posts praising the Medicom version, are people confused between the Takara version and the Medicom version? The Medicoms are known for fragility, and the Medicom version looks poor made when compared to the DX2 at that time, which was why I shelled out $50 more and got a DC version DX2.

I also don't get all the complaints on QS1, I came close to ordering the EB 1/4 OC, then I saw how fat he looks, glad that I passes up on him. I am not a batman fan, but I do have DX12 and the QS1 on PO, and I think the QS1 will make for a good center piece.
I will start off that I was not a big follower of TDK figure and all of its flaws..I have a Batman Begins which I prefer but this new one has intrigued me. After looking at comparison shots, I think what would make a huge difference with the cowl is the neck being thicker/shorter (i know there was a giraffe issue) But they need to give him a linebacker size neck which probably wouldnt work with the neck pegs.
I still don't complain. Until someone else comes along and makes something better (EB OC for example) there's no reason to continue beating that poor old dead horse.

No offense but some of you want real walking talking toys to play with. Ain't gonna happen. Insatiablity is a pointless state to be in.

I'm sorry but I haven't finished yet :horse:horse:horse
