Hot Toys TDKR: 1/4th scale Batman [QS001] - Full Reveal & Specs

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So you like it too? ..

I think I found a new picture of this figure :lol


Yeah, I do. I think it needs some severe fixing, but, overall, it's not a bad figure. As Karnis said, "Stop beating a dead horse." You're making an ass of yourself. I like the DX 12 better, but there's no reason for you to laugh at someone for liking this one. It's better than the DX 12 in quite a few areas.
Yeah not denying it needs modding. But they had the sense to use a cowl scan. Also, had they used hard plastic I would argue that the thin head phenomenon would never have happened. Their prototype was the perfect width, it just collapsed in on itself DUE to the fact that they cast it hollow

But regardless, this 1/4 HT Batman is an easy pass for me until/unless they improve that cowl and likeness

Ohhh didn't know the backstory behind it as I only found out about the medi as I was late. I am glad I picked it up when I did for a price back then I thought was high. It's kinda sad then that medi screwed up their opportunity so badly. Nobody unless totally Visionary could have seen the potential. There was just so much bad covering up the potential lol
- cowl
- paint job on head and belt
- carbon fibre patterns
- loose outfit, lack of definition of the body underneath
- exposed wrist peg
- cape
When I first had it I was dissapointed and it was stored away for a while until my perception of money totally faded away and a $50 repaint and widening of the head became the reasonable thing to me lol

Yeah, I do. I think it needs some severe fixing, but, overall, it's not a bad figure. As Karnis said, "Stop beating a dead horse." You're making an ass of yourself. I like the DX 12 better, but there's no reason for you to laugh at someone for liking this one. It's better than the DX 12 in quite a few areas.

Educate not taunt.

Yes, it's safe to say that revising the head/cowl would satisfy most people here. Other than that really the only QC problem I can foresee come release time is the armour seperating from the fabric suit, but maybe this issue has already been addressed?
Yes, it's safe to say that revising the head/cowl would satisfy most people here. Other than that really the only QC problem I can foresee come release time is the armour seperating from the fabric suit, but maybe this issue has already been addressed?

I really hope it has. When they decided to use fabric instead of rubber surely they would have instantly thought of the problem concerning rubber pieces peeling off, the question is whether they decided to do something about it or use their cheap normal glue and hope for the best.

Also, if they don't end up giving him a proper half-open mouth I wonder if anyone will be modding the EB's 1/4 mouth to fit this figure? After all the cowls are the same in mouth area except for the BB one has a wider opening for the mouth. With precise measurements and neat cutting I don't see any reason for not being able to fit the EB's mouth on this :dunno
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I saw a few posts praising the Medicom version, are people confused between the Takara version and the Medicom version? The Medicoms are known for fragility, and the Medicom version looks poor made when compared to the DX2 at that time, which was why I shelled out $50 more and got a DC version DX2.

I also don't get all the complaints on QS1, I came close to ordering the EB 1/4 OC, then I saw how fat he looks, glad that I passes up on him. I am not a batman fan, but I do have DX12 and the QS1 on PO, and I think the QS1 will make for a good center piece.

Are you serious dude? Get out of here with that fat sh it man :slap

I realize a lot of HT sack holders are having a hard time with the EB figure, but making stuff up to satisfy your desire to pass on anything EB is just sad.
So I've concluded (based on the majority of the complaints made here) if HT were to revise the head/ cowl sculpt, this would then be the greatest TDK batman collectible. correct?

No .. :lol

If Hot Toys manage to fix/rebuild the cowl. The body still has major issues.

- bulky shoulder pads
- He is wearing a pajama under his armor (why batman, why? :lol)
- the arms are too long and too skinny.
- the torso looks off too. Too wide and bulky.

Dunno what its like on other forums but on this one its $h!t. One click and you can see what they posted. Now maybe I'm just weak but if I'm bored I'm gonna click it and unblock the post.

The ignore feature would ideally wipe out all evidence that your ignoree has posted or failing that it should at least be more troublesome to unblock their post - you should have to go all the way into your user CP and remove their name from your ignore list. If I had to do that then maybe I'd still bother using it.
Nope, just enough to warrant a purchase..still not the "greatest."
I respect your opinion. So what would u call the best? to give me something to compare this to.

Good find Agen.
You can better see the under-suit and that it is a mesh.
Im still waiting for a neutral pose with this. I feel that would help me see the figure for what it actually is rather than trying to guess.


Looks great in this photo. Thanks for posting man!

If HT would do the necessary tweaking based on our comments about this figure, this would really be an awesome companion to EB's BB suit Batman. :pray:
I respect your opinion. So what would u call the best? to give me something to compare this to.

Greatest TDK collectible figure is the EB OC Bats

If you were talking about this version of the suit, I like the DX12 better.
Same ugly face, but at least the proportions are more acceptable. :)
Plus, the Bale sculpt is miles ahead of this one.
Nah, Tumbler + DX12 will be turning more heads here.

But then again, I don't like 1/4. Everything seems easier and less impressive.
Greatest TDK collectible figure is the EB OC Bats

Correct. Hot Toys is really going to have to up their game to even match the level of quality & accuracy EB produced. This thing looks totally out of whack.

I did PO it & am going to wait for in hand pics. If no improvements have been made, I'll cancel it & eat the NRD.