Hot Toys teases big announcement for 2019

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...and that unfortunately is the truth. How far we've come that seeing a figure for $220 is okay and that the new normal is starting to hit &260. I won't be surprised if every sixth scale entry for "Endgame" and "Episode 9" is priced around $240 and above. Sideshow is probably stepping completely away from sixth-scale soon, especially when you consider the glacial pace of their announcements and the crappy reception they get here...

There are only a few more I'd like to see in sixth-scale from HT. If they don't do them, oh well. If they do move to a new scale (1/12), it's going to make it real easy to step away from this maddening hobby....

I don't think they will "move" to 1/12. More like they want to open themselves to a bigger market by offering 1/12 along with 1/6.
1/6 os where its at for me. I didn’t the 1/12 thing and you just cannot appreciate the details at that scale, especially with these old eyes.....

I dont want to have to break out magnifying glasses to see the details on a figure.

1/6 is the perfect size for high end figures. If they went to 1/12 and price jumped the 1/6. I just retire from buying.

With prices as they are, I am close to that anyway.

Sent from the inside of a giant slug in outer space.....
1/6 os where its at for me. I didn’t the 1/12 thing and you just cannot appreciate the details at that scale, especially with these old eyes.....

I dont want to have to break out magnifying glasses to see the details on a figure.

1/6 is the perfect size for high end figures. If they went to 1/12 and price jumped the 1/6. I just retire from buying.

With prices as they are, I am close to that anyway.

My sentiments exactly
1/6 os where its at for me. I didn’t the 1/12 thing and you just cannot appreciate the details at that scale, especially with these old eyes.....

I dont want to have to break out magnifying glasses to see the details on a figure.

1/6 is the perfect size for high end figures. If they went to 1/12 and price jumped the 1/6. I just retire from buying.

With prices as they are, I am close to that anyway.

Sent from the inside of a giant slug in outer space.....

Yeah, I just can't see 6" figs as satisfying as 1/6 in terms of outfits and accessories - and 6" to me feels like glorified 3 3/4". I've got a ton of 3 3/4" and 1/6 - the reason I've kept the 6" stuff very limited. So even if HT did 1/12 stuff not sure I'd be all that interested - and imagine how badly draped the capes/soft goods would be.

And I'm almost at 1/6 display capacity anyway and have maybe 80% of the SW characters I want in fig incarnations that I think are good enough to stand against the inevitable "better version for $300+" that shows up in the next few years.
I've bought almost every 1/12 black series figure and you're right they really are just glorified 3 3/4" figures. I stopped buying 3 3/4"figures a few years back and focus mainly on 12" figures(except for the 6"black series obviously) you I have most of the 12" figures I want and am beginning to cherry pick. If prices for the 12" continue to rise I can see my self hanging up the credit card and calling it a day.
I've bought almost every 1/12 black series figure and you're right they really are just glorified 3 3/4" figures. I stopped buying 3 3/4"figures a few years back and focus mainly on 12" figures(except for the 6"black series obviously) you I have most of the 12" figures I want and am beginning to cherry pick. If prices for the 12" continue to rise I can see my self hanging up the credit card and calling it a day.

I can never understand why the 4" figures can have hidden joints but the 6" figures must have very visible pin joints. And many look wonky - IG88 is an abomination, and Zuckuss and R2 were like 20% underscale.

Those 1/12 Bandai SW kits are nice, and maybe give you a hint for what HT might be capable of at that scale, but it's the "action figure" vibe associated with the size that would dog any attempt to launch a super high-end 1/12 line. And besides, a few collector-oriented (ie kinda "high end") 1/12 or 6" scale figures are getting pretty expensive nowadays anyway.
My thought was a US based store in Disney. If they move to 1/12 and end 1/6, its probably a good excuse to stop collecting and appreciate what I have. I do not see myself re-starting with a whole new scale. The Mezco stuff looks alright but I have not been blown away by any to say I need to buy one.
I don’t know why anyone would take it that they’d be ending 1/6 because they’re planning (possibly, speculation from this thread only) to add 1/12. Outside those pops their entire business is 1/6, it’s not going anywhere except up in terms of $$.
HTs is not ending the 1/6, there is no way currently. They just opened another store in HK in a prime location in which the rent is up the roof. They are doing well selling 1/6, their bread and butter.
I passed on early Mezco 1/12 scale for several of the reasons stated here but I have to admit that some of the latest 1/12 figures have caught my eye and started me thinking what if...

Here is a link to Monkey Depots 1/12 scale section. These are not Mezco bulky out of scale figures, and most are $100 dollars or less.

Here are a few examples of what caught my eye
1 12 damtoys.jpgs-l1600.jpgs-l1600 (4).jpgs-l1600 (6).jpg
Those prototypes look great, Scifi...if they execute like that I’ll be very impressed.

I used to do 1/12, but value for money became difficult to justify on my preferred brand — S H Figuarts ... and I found them more difficult to display without them looking like so much clutter, although with a little thought it can certainly be done.

1/6 has a nice visual impact, although it does take up a lot of space. What are the Kotobukiya vinyl statues, 1/7 scale? That’s not a bad size.

I would be unlikely to invest heavily in a smaller scale at this point, and in fact sold off nearly everything except for 1/6 to keep things focused and clutter-free a while ago.

I’d like to be wrong, but I think that was just a generic HT promo video.

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Wait a second, Hot Toys aren’t dying are they!?

Now that I think about it, in retrospect these announcements for announcements and masterbatory videos about Howard and Hot Toys feel like something a company throws together when things aren’t going so well. Like “quick, what kind of gimmick or thing can we do to get customers to stay interested in us!”

I mean if these 1/12 rumors are true along with things like “Director Orson Krennic” and “Joel Schumacher Batman” being a source of excitement for collectors, well, well, well how the mighty have fallen.
Sixth scale Sauron and Witch King would be awesome

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Those prototypes look great, Scifi...if they execute like that I’ll be very impressed.

I used to do 1/12, but value for money became difficult to justify on my preferred brand — S H Figuarts ... and I found them more difficult to display without them looking like so much clutter, although with a little thought it can certainly be done.

1/6 has a nice visual impact, although it does take up a lot of space. What are the Kotobukiya vinyl statues, 1/7 scale? That’s not a bad size.

I would be unlikely to invest heavily in a smaller scale at this point, and in fact sold off nearly everything except for 1/6 to keep things focused and clutter-free a while ago.

I’d like to be wrong, but I think that was just a generic HT promo video.

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It was just a puff piece to say that they are awesome.
Wait a second, Hot Toys aren’t dying are they!?

Now that I think about it, in retrospect these announcements for announcements and masterbatory videos about Howard and Hot Toys feel like something a company throws together when things aren’t going so well. Like “quick, what kind of gimmick or thing can we do to get customers to stay interested in us!”

I mean if these 1/12 rumors are true along with things like “Director Orson Krennic” and “Joel Schumacher Batman” being a source of excitement for collectors, well, well, well how the mighty have fallen.

Imagine if they flat out said they're remaking the Marines. That's the only way to be sure of a nuke announcement.
Wait a second, Hot Toys aren’t dying are they!?

Now that I think about it, in retrospect these announcements for announcements and masterbatory videos about Howard and Hot Toys feel like something a company throws together when things aren’t going so well. Like “quick, what kind of gimmick or thing can we do to get customers to stay interested in us!”

I mean if these 1/12 rumors are true along with things like “Director Orson Krennic” and “Joel Schumacher Batman” being a source of excitement for collectors, well, well, well how the mighty have fallen.

They just opened a brand new store in a prime area in Hong Kong that will give them additional exposure to tourists. The rent in that location costs a fortune, if they are dying they won't do that.
That's so boring... Bring some original cult classics like blade runner, Indiana Jones, Willow, Beverly hills cop, labyrinth, die hard, Addams family, Hook, Goonies ecc. Would be nice to have different stuff in the catalog not just marvel, Star wars and all the same boring stuff!!!

‘Same boring stuff’? Says the person commenting in a forum on the said boring stuff.

Call it what you want, but there’s so much more I want from Star Wars and Marvel.

Prequel Trilogy stuff.
I still want a bloody Quake to go along with Coulson and Ghost Rider.
Etc etc etc.

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Actually, since HTs are making Fantastic Beasts figures, maybe the announcement is that they got the Harry Potter license for 1/6.

I strongly suspect that this is the case. Not the announcement, mind you, but just the fact that HT has the rights now. With Star Ace seemingly scrambling to get anything out, at a lower quality and with massive accuracy failings, it paints a pretty strong argument that they are trying to do what they can while they have the ability to. And the fact that HT managed to get global distribution on the FB figures when it previously only had the rights in the Japanese market shows there is something going on.

My thought was a US based store in Disney.

This would be interesting. Not something innovative, but very cool nonetheless. Funko opened their flagship store a while back and it's proving popular enough that there are serious talks of three or four more being opened nationwide.

Now that being said...the US market is way more direct to consumer when it comes to HT. I'm not sure the average Disney goer, to use your example, would be open to much more than a fun look about in a very expensive store. I feel like the American audience isn't culturally adapted to this sort of collectible market in the way Asian ones are; that's why places like Secret Base are so popular. I feel like it would be more of a museum than a store to the US audience. And that wouldn't pay the rent for long.
‘Same boring stuff’? Says the person commenting in a forum on the said boring stuff.

Call it what you want, but there’s so much more I want from Star Wars and Marvel.

Prequel Trilogy stuff.
I still want a bloody Quake to go along with Coulson and Ghost Rider.
Etc etc etc.

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Meanwhile, something new would be nice!